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A Mold Recovery Blog
Wednesday, November 12 2014

Hidden grains (that contain mycotoxins and fuel mold/yeast growth in the body) in your eggs that can slow down detox

Eggs are loaded with high-quality proteins, vitamins, minerals, good fats and various trace nutrients.

A large egg contains:

  • Only 77 calories, with 5 grams of fat and 6 grams of protein with all 9 essential amino acids.
  • Rich in iron, phosphorous, selenium and vitamins A, B12, B2 and B5 (among others).
  • One egg contains 113 mg of Choline – a very important nutrient for the brain, among other things.

It is a wise choice to include eggs in your mold detox diet, however

Eating store-bought eggs could be "feeding your mold problem" and here's how:


What do "HEALTHY" chickens naturally eat?

Chickens, if left on their own naturally feed primarily on insects.  Science has proven through "laboratory dissection and testing" that half or more of their diet are insects and other invertebrates (especially termites.)  The other half or less is made up of various plant matter like fruits, berries, bamboo seeds, nuts, and young leaves.

So what is this telling us?  Basically it's telling us that if chickens are eating corn, wheat and soy their diets are being manipulated by man.  Why would we manipulate the diets of chickens?

It's pretty simple.  A chicken that is naturally healthy and left to feed on it's own will weigh a lot less than a chicken that is fed fatty, carbohydrate corn, wheat or soy.  Farmers, meat and egg producers know this so in order for them to make as much money as possible (because chicken meat is sold by the pound), they want their chickens fattened up for maximum profits.  DID YOU HEAR THAT?   This is all about making money.....NOT raising healthy chickens...and NOT looking out for the health of humans who will be eating it.

Store bought eggs contain grains and grains have carbohydrates and mycotoxins

The main purpose of the mold detox diet is to eliminate sources of fuel for mold, yeast and mycotoxins in the body.  As we already know, removing sugars, grains and yeasts is our number one priority while maintaining a balanced nutritional diet.

To do this we MUST recognize and be aware of where the hidden sugars, grains and carbohydrates are so that we can speed up the "Mold dying" process within our bodies.

Ok so I hear this all time.  "I eat healthy eggs".  Or do you?  Most people, (I'd say 95%) do not understand what the heck it is they are eating when they eat their eggs.  I've put together this little blog post to explain the truth and pitfalls about what is in your eggs

Myth: Cheap eggs are fine..eggs are eggs.

NO way!!
First let's start with the worst kind you can buy: Conventional/Store-bought/No healthy labeling

All I can say here is stay as far away from these as you possibly can. 

The birds that lay these eggs are sickly, abused, starving, don't eat what they should naturally eat to produce a healthy egg for you and I and especially for someone who has a health concern like those suffering from mold exposure.

What kind of eggs should I buy that DON'T have grains or mycotoxins in them?

You should ONLY eat pastured eggs on the mold detox diet.   They are 3 times as nutritious and WILL NOT contain sugary grains that contain mold and mycotoxins like eggs from factory-raised chickens.

You are probably wondering where to get them or what they look like? 

What are pastured eggs?
Grass-fed/pastured hens are raised on pasture, as opposed to being kept in confinement and fed primarily grains. Eggs from pastured hens contain up to 20 times more healthy omega-3 fatty acids than confined/grain fed hens.

Pastured hens' diets are naturally fed with bugs, earthworms, and other bugs that give their eggs it's pureness and nutritional value. Pastured hens are much healthier and happier than their space-restricted and antibiotic-pumped counterparts.

Pasturing is the traditional method of raising egg-laying hens and other poultry. It is ecologically sustainable, humane, and produces the tastiest, most nutritious eggs.

Pastured eggs also have 10 percent less fat, 40 percent more vitamin A, and 34 percent less cholesterol than eggs obtained from factory farms. Most importantly for those exposed to mold and mycotoxins, pastured eggs contain NO traces of grains or beans which naturally feed mold, yeast and other fungi in the body.  This makes it a PERFECT CHOICE for the mold detox diet.

Dave Asprey explains why you should be eating "Pastured" eggs

Where can I get pastured eggs?

Our favorite site to locate pastured eggs is they have a directory for US and Canada of all suppliers providing pastured meat and eggs. 

Wily Blackmore, TakePart's Food editor over at has created this nice little infographic that breaks down egg labeling even further.  This is a nice little chart that can be saved on your phone for the next time you go shopping for eggs.


Links to Studies on the presence of mycotoxin in eggs fed a conventional diet of grains and other fillers. 


Posted by: Jennifer AT 09:34 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, October 27 2014

Speaking clean. 

Months and months went by before I learned the concept of speaking positively about my I don't just mean to others, I mean to myself as well.  I would tell myself that this was not easy, this wasn't fun, I am sick, I am ill, I'm never going to heal, I'm going to die, why me?, I'm too young for this....I didn't realize that by telling myself these things I was creating the "reality" and also creating a permanent state of "chronic illness" in my body.

I would get quite aggravated by others telling me not to be so negative.  I focused so much on battling others opinions of myself and my situation that I stayed in a negative state of mind...for 3 looooooooooong years. 

It wasn't until someone brought to my attention that "speaking clean" is actually a method of healing and can literally change the chemistry in your body to prepare itself to heal and the immune system can kick into overdrive.  WOW!  I had no idea these two were related. 

Negative thoughts and talking produce dangerous levels of "Cortisol" in the body
As I moved through my research and study I found out that thinking negative thoughts and saying negative things to myself and others actually increases the amount of cortisol production in the body. 

In case you don't know what cortisol is, it is hormone that is naturally produced by the body. Normal levels of Cortisol are supposed to convert proteins into energy, releasing glycogen and counteract inflammation.

On the other end of the spectrum having continuous high cortisol levels in the body destroy healthy muscle and bone, slow down healing and normal cell regeneration, biochemicals needed to make other vital hormones, impair digestion, metabolism and mental function, interfere with healthy endocrine function; and weaken your immune system. (Wow sounds like I am adding more fuel to my "toxic mold" fire? you think?).

Positive thoughts and talking produce high levels of "Oxytocin" in the body

After realizing that negative actions were a part of my illness I then decided to research what happens to the body when I say positive things, believe positive things and speak "clean" around me.

Thinking positively, speaking positively and speaking to ones self positively produce high levels of Oxytocin in the body.  If you are not sure what Oxytocin is, it is hormone that is naturally produced by the body. Normal levels of Cortisol are supposed to convert proteins into energy, releasing glycogen and counteract inflammation.

On the other end of the spectrum having continuous high cortisol levels in the body destroy healthy muscle and bone, slow down healing and normal cell regeneration, biochemicals needed to make other vital hormones, impair digestion, metabolism and mental function, interfere with healthy endocrine function; and weaken your immune system. (Wow sounds like I am adding more fuel to my "toxic mold" fire? you think?).

After realizing that negative actions were a part of my illness I decided to research what happens to the body when I say positive things, believe positive things and speak "clean" around me.


Speak healing and positive words to others about your illness and to yourself even when the symptoms seem unbearable. 

Here are some positive things you can say instead of the things above: 

  1. Today is a new day
  2. I love myself
  3. _____________ makes me happy
  4. This is going to get easier
  5. I can still have fun...let me go watch something funny so I can laugh
  6. I won't be ill for that long
  7. I'm going to heal very soon
  8. I still have my whole life ahead of me...I just need some downtime right's good for me.
  • Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.   ~ Proverbs 12:18
  • A cheerful heart is good medicine…   ~ Proverbs 17:22
  • A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones.  ~ Proverbs 15:30
  • Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.     ~ Ephesians 4:29

Jennifer is the founder of Surviving Toxic Mold and was exposed to toxic mold from 2010-2012 in a rental home.  You can read her story HERE

Sources: The Destructive Effects of High Cortisol Levels, by Marcelle Pick, OB-GYN NP, This Bliss Hormone Can Heal Your Body: The Many Benefits of Oxytocin. , What is Oxytocin?

Posted by: Jennifer AT 09:40 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, September 02 2014

Today's post is sponsored by

Ever wondered how to grow a successful garden muchless grow one indoors?

Keeping mold and mycotoxins out of your body starts with eating a "clean" diet.  Many fruits and vegetables sold in stores today contain mold, mycotoxins, bacteria and worse: Pesticides.  Start taking control of your health and detox your body with your own homegrown vegetable garden, indoors.

Check out this awesome infographic from  They've taken the guesswork out of how to make it successful by  creating this awesome chart you can print out and put in your garage or garden shed.

Happy Gardening!!


Posted by: AT 09:17 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, August 18 2014

When I was super sick for over a year it became difficult and almost impossible for me to go shopping and buy the very things I needed just to get well.

Although I had two teenagers that helped me tremendously I still felt that trying to get in a car and go to a store more than once a week became almost impossible.

As you know, running out of products or supplements don't always time perfectly and it seems that you need to leave your home on multiple occasions throughout the week.

Being very ill with mold, epstein-barr virus and Lyme Disease did not allow me to leave the home but get my meat and vegetables for my MOLD DETOX DIET.  Because this put such a phycial strain on me I researched ways I could possibly get items to my house without me having to leave home.  The only problem I saw was I ended up spending SO MUCH money on shipping costs..........until I found "Amazon Prime". 

Here are some of the ways I used Prime in 2013 and 2014:

  • To buy my household cleaning supplies to keep my home "mold free" (baking soda, borax, vinegar, ammonia)
  • To buy my Vitamins
  • To buy detox supplements
  • To buy personal products (toilet paper, non toxic shampoos, non toxic soaps)
  • To buy birthday presents for my family and kids when I could not go shopping
  • To buy all of my Christmas gifts because during Christmas I could not leave the home
  • To buy more comfortable clothes while I was so sick
  • To buy things my kids needed when I was not able to take them shopping
  • and much more...................

With the cost of Prime I saved on 11 months of shipping.  Each month I was buying so many products and supplements that I was spending through various websites well over $100 in shipping fees.  I was releaved to pay Amazon a one time $99 fee so that for the rest of the year I could order "ANYTHING" at "ANYTIME" .........WITHOUT any shipping costs.

Here are the main features of the Amazon Prime program:  You pay ONLY $99.00 for a One Year Prime membership

  • THE FIRST 30 DAYS ARE FREE - $99 doesn't hit your card until after the first month so enjoy all the FREE shipping you want.
  • Free - 2 day shipping on online orders
  • You can order one product or one hundred products and still get FREE 2 day shipping
  • FREE Prime Instant Video - This is very similar to Netflix.  (Netflix costs $96.00 per year)
  • FREE Prime music
  • FREE Prime Kindle owners lender library

Posted by: Jennifer Cannon AT 08:55 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, July 28 2014
Inflammation - A HUGE issue for toxic mold illness

I have struggled and am struggling more than ever with inflammation.  This can be inflammation of the brain, your gut and even your skin or muscles.  Since I started having issues with this I've been doing some research that can help me.

Obviously one of the biggest problems is with what we are putting into our bodies: Foods, drinks and even our environment.  First off, make sure you are eating a MOLD DETOX DIET in order to keep inflammatory foods away from your body. 

I am by no means an expert when it comes to healing my gut or keeping inflammation under control, but I do a lot of research so that I can better help myself and others at the same time.

In my research I've compiled a list of some great inflammatory foods that I have added to my diet:

  • Oily fish, like salmon, mackerel, tuna and sardines, are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to help reduce inflammation. To get the benefits, however, you need to eat fish several times a week, and it should be cooked in healthy ways.
  • Cherries (Caution: Do not eat fruit if you are detoxing on the strict one month or two month mold detox diet period)
  • Nuts like Almonds and Walnuts
  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Broccoli
  • Collard greens
  • Sweet Peppers
  • Beets
  • Ginger (See our anti-inflammatory juicing recipe for mold illness)
  • Garlic (See our anti-inflammatory juicing recipe for mold illness)
  • Turmeric
  • Onions
  • Olive Oil
  • Raspberries (Caution: Do not eat fruit if you are detoxing on the strict one month or two month mold detox diet period)
  • Blueberries (Caution: Do not eat fruit if you are detoxing on the strict one month or two month mold detox diet period)
  • Strawberries (Caution: Do not eat fruit if you are detoxing on the strict one month or two month mold detox diet period)

Awesome Anti-Inflammatory plant: 

Aloe Vera

Here is where I order mine from
Because I'm not feeling well most days I like to order things online and have them sent to my home

Posted by: Jennifer AT 10:53 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, June 06 2014

Carrots and their amazing "Anti-Fungal" properties

Are Carrots friend or foe for a person exposed to Mold?

When I first found out my symptoms were related to being exposed to Toxic Mold I knew that diet was going to be at the forefront of my recovery.

However, not everyone who is dealing with Candida was directly exposed to toxic mold in their home or environment.  But I encourage anyone who is interested in solving their Candida issues read this article as it was "life changing" for me.

I was given diets and protocols by many mold sufferers as well as even mold doctors.

One of the things that seemed to be a common debate was that of the "Carrot".  I was told by 50% of the sources that carrot was NOT something I should consume because it was considered a root vegetable.  After all root vegetables have a bad rap for harboring mold & fungus under the ground correct?  Then the other 50% were telling me that no it was actually quite the opposite...that carrots had a natural anti-fungal property that prevents mold from getting into the carrot.

So I decided to do my own research and here is what I found:

Doug Kaufmann of "Know the Cause" has an ever-popular book called "The Fungus Link".  Since then he's written a few other extensions of the book. He has been a pioneer in the field of relating molds and fungus to almost every known disease humans are currently facing.  One of the conditions he focuses on quite a bit is that of "Candida". In his books he even talks about the benefits of Carrots as anti-fungal.

I began to research the subject more in depth by applying it straight to mold exposure and to my surprise I found a book by Kurt & LeAnn Billings called "MOLD: The War Within".  In the book they referenced that they had used carrots in their juicing protocol to fight Candida. 

My next step was to find the real scientific data to back it up.  Being skeptical by nature I needed more proof as I didn't want to put something into my body that was going to keep me sick, Lord knows I had suffered enough already.

I ran across a surprisingly "AWESOME" research and laboratory test that gave me all the confidence I needed to move forward. 

Aren't Carrots High in Sugar? 

This might shock you and be something hard to wrap your head around, but carrots are NOT HIGH IN SUGAR.  What?? "But I've been told this my whole life!!"  Well, guess've been told wrong.  One carrot only contains 2.9 grams of sugar.  This is slightly a tick above your average lemon.  Remember, lemons and limes are the lowest sugar content of any fruit.  One lemon contains approximately 1.5 grams of sugar.  


Aren't carrots considered moldy because they grow underground?

No.  Carrots have their own built-in antifungal protective chemical compounds.  Purified ethanolic extracts of peeled and shredded carrots have an antimicrobial effect against a range of food-borne micro-organisms as well as Candida.


Along with our Mold Detox Diet this Juicing this recipe twice a day can eradicate a toxic mold infection after 3-6 months

For more holistic ways to fight Candida see our page on ANTI-FUNGALS

Posted by: Jennifer AT 11:14 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, May 29 2014
  1. Sugar is killing you if you've been exposed to mold
  2. Ok so what kind of foods am I supposed to be eating?
  3. If I go shopping today what are just some basic things I need to buy to really take this serious?

What does fungus and mold need to survive in your body? It needs Sugar (or carbohydrates). The more sugar, grains and carbohydrates you consume the more active your fungus and mold problem becomes. After being exposed to toxic mold this fungus can live in your intestines, fat, blood, joints, and organs. You are continually feeding the fungus infection by eating additional fungus and sugar containing foods. The more fungus in your body the more mycotoxins they produce. The more mycotoxins in your body the more inflamation, rapidly forming diseases and pain you will have as a result of being exposed to toxic mold.  Quickly after mold exposure, if unchecked you can develop cancer, lupus, MS, heart problems, brain damage, weight problems, skin diseases, diabetes, mental dysfunction and inflammatory and severe autoimmune disease.

1.  Sugar feeds Fungus:

You have to come to terms with the fact that you will NEVER recover from mold illness unless you go through a period of at least 90 days with absolutely NO sugar (at a minimum).  Most often it takes about 12 months to make a full recovery.  Sugar, grains and yeast are relentless. 

Tried it my way....failed     Tried to eat only a little sugar.....failed    Tried to deny sugar was an issue....FAILED

No Sugars: No Processed Sugar, No Sweeteners, No Natural Sugars (Except raw unfiltered honey or monk fruit), Limit fruits (except the few I have on the shopping list that specifically have a low glycemic index and are low in sugar).

(PLEASE COMMENT BELOW ABOUT THIS TOPIC: questions, comments, statements etc.  This is how we break through and learn).

2.  Ok so what kind of foods am I supposed to be eating?

When you visit our "FOODS LIST" page you will see a list of the food that you need to eat on the SurvivingToxicMold:
 "Mold Detox Diet". 

(PLEASE COMMENT BELOW ABOUT THIS TOPIC: questions, comments, statements etc.  This is how we break through and learn).

3.  Sample Shopping List:

Here are my top shopping list essentials

  • Fresh "Cold-pressed" Olive Oil (Bigger bottle)
  • Organic Grass-Fed Butter
  • PINK Himalayan Salt
  • 3-4 Cloves Organic Garlic
  • Small raw Ginger (3-4 inches?)
  • 2 bags of Organic carrots
  • 4-6 Organic and non-GMO Green Apples
  • 3-4 Organic Lemons
  • Eggs (pastured are best, second best is organic but organic are fed grains so this is not going to help)
  • Chicken Breast (a few packages? Pastured is best but hard to find)
  • Wild caught Alaskan Salmon
  • Pastured Ground Turkey
  • Ground Beef (Grass Fed)
  • Raw Almonds
  • Raw Pecans
  • Raw Walnuts
  • Romaine Lettuce
  • Spinach
  • Your favorite vegetables from the foods list on our mold detox diet that are approved to eat
  • Spring Water
Posted by: Jennifer AT 12:09 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, April 09 2014

Green beans are great for those recovering from toxic mold or for anyone who wants to eat a healthy diet.

Green beans are a great nutritional source.  In fact, green beans have over 211 grams of pottassium so if you are looking to boost your potassium levels this is a way to add these into your diet.

My simple and fast way to prepare green beans make it easier than sitting around all day and snapping the ends off of beans.

Here is my simple and quick method of preparing beans:

  1. Wash beans under water and for those recovering from mold exposure I suggest soaking the beans in a water solution after rinsing of 1 teaspoon of baking soda.  The baking soda will kill off any mold spores that might be lurking in the green beans.
  2. Get a cutting board, sharp knife and a solid surface to work on.
  3. Place the uncut beans in the middle and line up 4-5 beans at a time and cut off the ends.  Turn that group of beans around and repeat. 
  4. Once you are done cut the beans into 1-2 inch pieces.
  5. Place these "cut" pieces to the left.

Research Sources:

Posted by: Jennifer AT 09:05 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, March 29 2014

Chicken Zucchini-Vegetable Soup

You'll need:  A stainless steel stockpot OR slow cooker. 

Water (Spring preferred)

Organic Olive Oil

1 Tablespoon of minced Organic Garlic

Himalayan Pink Salt (2 gallon stock pot I use 2 tablespoons salt)
1 Organic Chicken Breast

1 (2 inch leaf) of Organic (Home Grown) Basil

1 (leaf) of Organic (Home Grown) Oregano

1 leaf stalk of Organic (Home Grown) Parsley
1 Yellow Zucchini (Organic)

1 Green Zucchini (Organic)
1 CUP each of the following cut up vegetables: (All organic) Red Pepper, Celery, Broccoli


  1. Fill up stock pot or slow cooker 3/4 full.  For every quart of water add one tablespoon of organic olive oil.  So for 2 gallons I use 4 tablespoons of oil.  Add minced garlic.  Add Himalayan Pink salt for taste.  DO NOT over salt.

  2. Add Chicken to stock pot and cook on low/med heat for one hour until chicken pulls apart. This will make a nice chicken stock. 

  3. Blend mince the Home Grown Basil and Oregano and add to pot. Add remaining cut up vegetables (EXCEPT the ZUCCHINI) and cook on low to medium heat for 30 minutes.  Add zucchini and cook for an additional 15 min.  Remove from heat immediately.

  4. Add, Serve or freeze in individual ziploc bags for easy fast soups.

For more "Toxic Mold" detox soup recipes go here

Posted by: Jennifer AT 04:57 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, January 05 2014
Not sure if your symptoms are toxic mold related?  Here is an extensive list of toxic mold symptoms

SYMPTOMS: Symptoms are usually the #1 indicator that you have been exposed to toxic mold in your environment. The first step is to identify your symptoms. Most victims will exhibit one, ten or up to twenty or more of these symptoms on a daily basis. Here is a VERY detailed list of symptoms. I have listed them A-Z.

  • Acne (even after a healthy diet free of sugars and fried foods)

  • Alzheimer's symptoms without a "Dimentia" diagnosis (brain scan/people under 60)

  • Anxiety/Anxiety Attacks/Panic Attacks/GAD

  • Asthma Symptoms

  • Blotchy Skin

  • Blurred Vision

  • Brain Fog (Present but not present in the mind)

  • Bumps on skin (that cannot be diagnosed by a doctor)

  • Congitive function disorder

  • Calculation difficulties (Numbers, lists putting things in order)?

  • Chemical sensitivity (Sudden onset)

  • Chronic Fatigue

  • Cold hands or feet

  • Cold fingers/Hot fingers (some are cold and some are hot simultaneously)

  • Cough: Constant unexplained coughing

  • Delayed healing for viruses, colds, wounds etc.

  • Depression

  • Drunk feeling (without any other known cause: no medications, food or poisons that you are aware of)

  • Dysequilibrium

  • Eye Twitching

  • Facial flushing

  • Fainting feeling (without actually fainting)

  • Fatigue

  • Fight or Flight feeling (losing control/feeling like you are going to die)

  • Food Sensitivities: (New onset of food sensitivities especially grains, carbs, breads, sugar)

  • Fulness or pressure in the ear canal

  • GI Issues

  • Green stool

  • Hair Loss

  • Headaches

  • Heart Palpitations (no known reason...just all of a sudden feel your heart beat funny then go back to normal)

  • High Blood Pressure

  • Insomnia

  • Intolerance of bright lights

  • Joint aches and pain

  • Jolts: Feeling of an electrical pulse running through your brain, arms or legs

  • Lightheadedness

  • Loss of Balance

  • Low Potassium Levels (even with a balanced potassium rich diet)

  • Memory disturbance

  • Muscle Weakness: severe

  • Mood Changes

  • Narcolepsy Symtpoms (falling asleep quickly)

  • Nervousness and Jittery feeling constantly

  • Nightmares: Frequent/Unusual

  • Nightmares: Night Terrors (Extreme Fear)

  • Numbness and tingling (especially in finders)

  • Rage: Getting extremely upset about mundane things (suddenly)

  • Rapid heart rate when doing normal activities ie: sitting, standing or laying down (absent of a known heart condition)

  • Ringing in ears

  • Scratchy throat that won't go away

  • Seizures

  • Severe Allergies

  • Shortness of Breath

  • Sinus Infections that keep reoccurring

  • Skin Changes

  • Sleep disturbance (Being awaken several times during sleep for no other known medical reason)

  • Speech: Saying the wrong words or repeating the same things over and over again

  • Speech: Talking in excess about everything that is on your mind (Others notice you are talking way too much)

  • Thinking: Can't think of the right words to say

  • Thinking: Can't remember simple things like words, events, methods, descriptions, definitions.

  • Tingling in the scalp: Feeling an electrical type sensation move over your hair and scalp

  • Twitching in Fingers: When hands are still fingers move and twitch on their own

  • Twitching legs: Legs move or twitch on their own when standing

  • Vertigo: Sensation that the room is tilted and moving around you

  • Vertigo brought on by concentration

  • Vision changes: (Sudden extreme or sudden mild vision changes needing an eye exam)

  • Vision: Seeing halos around everything (White borders)

  • Weakness: Overall body and mind weakness (more than normal)

  • Wheezing in lungs

Posted by: Jennifer AT 10:16 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

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Is mold making you sick?  Put the effects of Toxic Mold behind you!!

Do you think you might have mold in your home, place of business or school? Are you or someone you love suffering from an unknown illness that doctors can't diagnose?  Is mold making you sick? Go to our Step by Step and start Surviving Toxic Mold.