"A hopeful message for those of you fighting the repercussions of toxic molds.
2 years ago I was bedbound, between scleroderma, MS, and ALS diagnoses and losing the ability to walk. My hands were crippled from arthritis, brain fog barred me from doing anything worthwhile, and all of my top MD’s treating me told me this couldn’t be from mold and that there wasn’t much hope except for prolonging life on meds.
I woke up one morning determined to CURE myself from the incurable and looked up anything I could about mold, chronic diseases, ALS etc. I stumbled upon this Facebook page and thought.... how could this small little section of the internet have all the answers? I had no more hope so I decided to follow all the advice from the website and from Jennifer Cannon biblically. I had nothing to lose. I shed an almost fiancé, my home, friendships, most of my belongings, an enjoyable career, the list goes on.
On top of fighting so hard, many questioned the methods I was employing and thought I was crazy. The supplements did work. The detoxing worked. Acupuncture, naturopaths, NAET, visceral manipulation, prayer, Chinese herbs, venting, lots of venting, IV’s, antifungal diet, etc etc
It worked. And while I’m very aware that relapse is possible, that I’ll always be immunocompromised, I’m so happy that I have relief, that my body did what doctors told me was impossible! The asthma disappeared, the nerves and muscles in my legs regrew!! The arthritis completely dissipated.
There was no better feeling then going back to all my ‘regular’ doctors and for the first time having each one jaw dropped with note pads out, asking the dosage on every last supplement, IV, etc.
For those of you wondering if this stuff works, if there is a natural way to get better, what more do you have to lose? For those of you, who are fighting the impossible fight, who are scared to hope and be disappointed again, I’m sorry to put hope in you again, for those that are seeing results or patiently waiting, keep fighting! Life is a gift, see the light in it. Blessings heath and hope for everyone"
❤️ ~ MJ Meili, Germany