Loss of Possessions & Home Owners Insurance claims regarding Mold Damage The first thought on anyone's mind is: |
Home Owners Insurance: Is Mold Covered? Whether mold is covered by home owners insurance often comes down to the source of moisture and the wording of a policy. Mold strikes fear into the hearts of those who’ve heard horror stories about toxic mold, expensive mold remediation, and denied home owners insurance claims.....Read the rest of this article: http://www.houselogic.com/home-advice/home-insurance/homeowners-insurance-mold-covered/#ixzz30xEJufT4
Apartment insurance coverage for mold? Here's what you need to know Next to bed bugs, mold is perhaps the least welcome of uninvited houseguests. It can also be hazardous to your health and expensive to get rid of. Unless you’ve taken out supplemental mold coverage, you’ll get limited assistance from your renter’s, co-op or condo insurance. Read this article here: http://brickunderground.com/blog/2013/03/apartment_insurance_coverage_for_mold_here_s_what_you_need_to_know |