A "STEP BY STEP" guide
to identify, detox and prevent toxic mold exposures
in babies and children

I know what it's like "first-hand" to have two children sick from toxic mold. And I also know exactly how to get them to full recovery. Below I share my successful treatments and a guide to help other parents detoxify their children from a moldy environment.
My children were both sick from our toxic home briefly and had everything from:
- High Blood Pressure
- Weight Gain
- Anxiety
- Depression / Suicidal Thoughts
- Sleep Paralysis
- Skin bumps and rashes
- Loss of Vision
- Acute/Onset Learning Disabilities (happened severely while in mold and during recovery...completely reversed after detox)
- Hormonal Imbalances
- Severe Dental Cavitations
- Asthma
- Food Allergies
Relating to CHILDREN and Exposure to Toxic Mold
Babies are very similar to adults but you have to make sure you downsize everything appropriately for their age and weight. Beware of anyone offering a "protocol" for mold. Toxic mold effects every person completely different depending on so many factors so if a child is very sick it is best to get a multiple angled approach to wellness. Here are my recommendations for little ones:
Step 1 - Cross-check symptoms
Babies and younger children are much more susceptible to getting sick from toxic mold than older pre-teens and young adults. However, they are the "easiest" to detox. So take a deep breath and realize that it's going to be ok. In our regular "STEP BY STEP GUIDE" for adults I emphasize one of the first steps is to get a proper diagnosis because as adults, symptoms of mold can mimic so many other conditions, disorders and even environmental issues. Sometimes it's a big mix of everything and someone can be sick from a lot of things, PLUS mold. However, in babies and children it is a lot clearer "sometimes, but not always"...to just look at symptoms and "assume" it's coming from mold because they respond so well to detoxing and lifestyle changes or just being removed from the bad location that you automatically know it's from mold. Because of this reasurring news most of the time you can get by without doing lab testing, but for the sake of this step by step, I'll include the labs that you might want to have your practitioner run if you want to be more sure that mold is a factor.
Check Common Symptoms of Mold Exposure for kids
Step 2 - Lab Tests for Your Child
If children continue to stay exposed they can become chronically ill, their physical condition can continue to get worse!!
Many medical doctors will tell you that Mold Sickness is not real, or that mold cannot make your child sick, this couldn't be farther than the truth....but it is not their fault. They were never trained on Mold Sickness. About 5% of medical professionals are even aware of what Black Mold Toxicity is or even know how to test for it. Make sure you are dealing with a doctor who understands Biotoxins and Mycotoxins.
It is important to get the right tests the first time so that you can understand what your child may have been exposed to. As with all mold, bacteria or infections if they are left untreated or misdiagnosed a child’s condition will worsen.
IMPORTANT: *If a doctor wants to give your child a blood test/allergy test (igG, igM, igA) for mold he/she probably DOES NOT have the slightest clue about toxic mold. This means they are only working off of a western medical phylosophy of "allergies". Toxic molds DO NOT hang out in the blood stream because the blood has a high level of oxygen. Toxic molds SUPPRESS IMMUNE FUNCTIONS therefore, antibody testing is irrelevant to Toxic mold illness. Toxic molds do not thrive in an oxygen rich environment so they are basically undected in blood tests. Find a new doctor if your doctor starts to suggest this.
Disclaimer Labs perform testing for forensic, research, and educational purposes only. No tests are meant for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition or disease. Labs do not give / offer medical advice, or medical diagnosis for any medical condition(s) and/or symptom(s). Laboratory results may be used solely at the client’s discretion. Use of these laboratory results by a physician are solely at the discretion of that physician. All clients are directed to consult directly with their attending physician(s) for any and all medical diagnosis and treatment(s) for any and all medical symptom(s) and / or issue(s). The testing and lab recommendations listed herein are strictly for "information purposes" only and were not meant to diagnose or treat any disease. Please seek the advice of your qualified medical professional.
Step 3 - Identify Where They are being Exposed
There are many places that children can be exposed to toxic mold and most of them will surprise you. Not all children are exposed to toxic mold in their own homes. Many are exposed at school, other children's homes and even their clothes, toys and the food they eat can expose them to high levels of toxigenic molds. Check the list and see if you can figure out where your child might have gotten exposed. (HINT: Taking a "Great Plains Lab" urine mycotoxin test can help individuals pinpoint "possible" routes of exposure easier. Please see our "Interpretation Services" for more information about having Jennifer review your child's mycotoxin test and helping you better pinpoint the routes of exposure based on the types of mycotoxin shown in their lab reports).
- Home - (Most common)
- Flooded Basements
- result in moldy flooring
- result in moldy carpeting
- result in moldy wallboard
- result in moldy furniture and porous items
- result in activating deadly mold spores on cardboard boxes stored in basements
- Leaking Pipes
- Under Bath Sinks
- Backed up Sewage
- Overflowing Toilets
- Showers (behind walls)
- Bathtubs & Hot tubs (inside walls and under tub)
- Laundry Tubs
- Dishwashers (behind wall)
- Under Kitchen Sinks
- Outside Hoses
- Icemaker Refrigerators
- Door entrances that are not designed correctly (water runs in)
- Faulty Windows or Windows with broken seals
- Roof Leaks & Attics
- Moldy rotting wood structures
- Moldy rotting insulation
- Moldy hvac vents
- Shower areas without proper ventilation fans
- Moldy Shower Curtains where children take showers
- Padded Toilet Seats that children are sitting on
- Padded foam shower and bath rugs - mold can absorb into the bottoms of their feet and enter their blood stream
- Clothes Dryers that vent "into" the home and are not vented "outside" like they should be
- Previously Flooded carpet that was not properly "gotten rid of" and just dried with a towel or not dried at all.
- Moldy food in the refrigerator
- contaminates the vents in the fridge and freezer and circulates into your child's food and home
- Moldy prone kitchen appliances (avoid this by cleaning them properly)
- Ice Makers in refrigerators can be an ongoing source of fungal poisoning for your child who can easily get their own ice
- Uncleaned juicers
- food processors
- under rubber seals in nutribullets
- Coffee makers (applies mostly to breastfeeding moms who drink coffee)
- Kurig machines are "highly toxic" - we do not recommend you own one.
- Mold-Prone kitchen items
- Wooden bowls for kids
- Wooden cutting boards where you cut their fruits and veggies
- sponges they might use to wipe surfaces
- towels and rags that never dry properly under a sink with no airflow
- water bottles
- Children & Baby Items:
- Baby bottle nipples
- Sippie cups
- Bath Toys
- Sand Boxes
- Pacifiers
- Rubber dolls and toys that get wet
- Stuffed animals in moldy environments or that got wet and didn't dry
- Wet clothes, towels, curtains, linens or shoes grow Toxic Mold
- Dehumidifiers - uncleaned water collection trays with standing water are a source of contamination to a home
- HVAC systems - entire units can be toxically contaminated as well as the entire duct unit of a home that vent into your child's bedroom
- Carpets and Rugs are usually highly contaminated with mold and mycotoxin
- Carpet itself is a 100% guarantee you have mold spores. Remove all carpeting from homes and replace with wood floorin or tiles.
- Carpet padding underneath rugs
- Vinyl Flooring - moisture gets in between solid surface and vinly flooring causing toxic mold to grow
- Moldy Firewood you are burning around your kids
- Moldy Landscaping Mulch on outside play areas or playgrounds at school
- Mold growing on the outside of siding that is not facing the sun (spores can blow inside windows of your child's room)
- Mattresses that were in a home when it was flooded.
- Unfinished wood exposed to moist areas (unfinished wood kids furniture)
- Pressed Wood-type furniture exposed to moist areas or water damaged buildings.
- "Contaminated Potting Soil" from houseplants and small trees - http://www.survivingtoxicmold.com/blog/view/1236/can_your_plants_be_a_source_of_mold__here_s_how_to_prevent_it
- Churches, After School Program Businesses, Childrens Entertainment/Activity businesses - (common)
- Schools - (very common with children)
- Leaky bathrooms pipes
- Inside walls - (hidden)
- Pool and shower areas - on walls inside walls and ceilings
- Locker rooms and workout spaces
- Old basements
- In HVAC systems that invade schools with dangerous spores
- Craft Supplies
- Mold cross contaminated book bags and items from other students and teachers homes (people don't think about this :(
- Car, RV, Trailer, Boat (least common but also least expected)
- leaky sunroofs
- car previously submerged
- carrying moldy items in your car that cross contaminate bringing in dangerous spores
- moldy floor rugs
- moldy upholstery
- leaky windows
- toxic air conditioners
- toxic air filters
- Tobacco use inside
- Old stores, buildings, antique markets, hardware stores, furniture stores - old items, reclaimed wood, water damaged dwellings, burning moldy firewood in fireplaces and leaky roofs in old buildings.
- Food (Drink pouches, fruit pouches, childrens snacks like Grains, breads, cereals, baked goods, all dairy products like milk/cheeses/yogurts, nuts, corn, some meats from animals fed moldy grains, coffee (has many aflatoxins), beer/wine, cheeses, some mushrooms, fermented foods. (Moldy Foods List: FULL LIST)
- Farms, Barns & Chicken Coops
- Drinking soft drinks, teas and juices from restaurant soft drink machines. - The inside of these machines are highly contaminated with toxic strains of neurotoxic molds.
- Tobacco usage by family and friends around children: Cigarettes, E-cigarettes and Cigar Smoking - contain toxic mold strains and mycotoxin and can poison your children.
- Heavy antibiotic usage - Antibiotics are made of toxic molds like aspergillus and penicillium
- Breast Implants in breast feeding mothers can transfer to babies - Breast Implants have high rates of toxic mold and mycotoxin production and can literally make you and your baby sick from mold..creating a mold exposure.
- Some chemicals and pesticides use toxic molds that produce T-2 mycotoxins (Trichothecenes) - Agent Orange, RoundUp (Rumor has it)
- Living near airports, trains, trucks, or buses - Diesel and Jet fuels contain mycotoxin and can be a source of toxic mold exposure if you are exposed on a constant basis?
- Fall Seasonal rotting of Leaves
- Burning Fall Leaves - mold is not destroyed unless the heat reaches over 500 degrees F. Spores and mycotoxin can float to nearby structures and contaminate.
- Allowing your kids to jump in the leaves..I know, it's awful to think about but there are some very serious toxic molds like aspergillus that can actually kill you in rotting leaves.
- Christmas Trees & Christmas Decorations
Step 4 - Immediately Remove them from the source of exposure
Children Need Mold Avoidance to get better
Get them away from a moldy home and in a clean environment with no moldy possessions, toxic toys, chemicals or dust.
Step 5 - Purge and Decontaminate
Purge and decontaminate all of your possessions and all of their possessions according to my guide on the website here: https://www.survivingtoxicmold.com/saving_your_possessions
Throw out all "Porous" Items
Clean remaining "NON Porous" Items in ammonia
Do NOT re-buy any "Porous" items for up to "ONE YEAR"
Start babies on our mold detox diet, be creative and keep the moldy foods, and foods that increase mold in the body out of the body.
My PhazeMoldDiet includes recipes at the bottom of each phaze for "KIDZ"
Your child must follow the "PhazeMoldDiet" You can access the PhazeMoldDiet HERE I have created the PhazeMoldDiet specifically for those exposed to mold who are serious about detoxing. This is a 12-month eating program that moves you through one phaze at a time all the way to recovery. I specifically designed my own recipes to wean you off of sugar, gluten, dairy and help you learn exactly how to eat while you are detoxing from mold. It is a very affordable 8 Phaze program that has helped hundreds of mold sufferers become successful with their mold diet.
Step 7 - Binder Supplements
Step 8 - Keep their body's DETOX PATHWAYS open
Do daily detox baths before bed with a little bit of epsom salts OR baking soda. Remember...very small amounts for babies that small...like one teaspoon or two that's all.
Buy a mini trampoline or a backyard trampoline
Do dry brushing of their lymphatic system before bath time...
If little ones are backed up and cannot use the bathroom opening up their colonic pathway is the best way to help them detox by doing gentle enemas using only distilled water.
Treat Symptoms Holistically
Depending on the symptoms you'll want to research symptoms and treat holistically.
Get a "Proper" Air Purifier
Keep their Bedroom Free of Pathogens
Do a Non Toxic "SWAP OUT"
Swap out their personal items and personal products for non toxic and safer choices..you can check www.EWG.org and their database for rating baby personal products. Keep their environment toxin free for a better chance of detoxifying their body.