A Mold Recovery Blog Thursday, September 14 2023
Your liver is your most important "soldier" in the fight against mold exposure. Liver toxicity is an injury to the liver or impairment of the liver function caused by exposure to xenobiotics such as drugs, food additives, alcohol, chlorinated solvents in drinking water, peroxidized fatty acids, fungal toxins, radioactive isotopes, environmental toxicants, and even some medicinal plants
Here are my top 15 practical ways to support your liver and keep your liver detoxified to more easily handle getting rid of mold toxins.
HERE's what you'll need
Most enema coffees are tested for mold or fungus They look to buy and sell specialty grade coffee. Mold or fungus damage on green coffee beans is considered a category 1 defect that would prevent it from being considered specialty grade in use for enemas. Currently there has been a widespread growth of fungus found on lesser grade coffee beans. You can buy specially formulated organic enema coffees HERE Good brands are (Cafe Mam [the only coffee recommended in Gerson therapy book], PureLife, Core-Vital, Aussie Health, Premium Enema) I hope you find this article easy to follow and I encourage you to detox your liver better as you move through this mold journey in your life. Friday, August 11 2023
PULLING TOXINS OUT by OPENING PATHWAYS Before you start popping a bunch of supplements, antifungals, biofilm busters or antimicrobials you absolutely
HOW?: Rotate a different pathway each day. Here are the doorways that your body has:
Enzymes that break up biofilm
Foods that break up Biofilms
Non-Herbals that break up Biofilm
Herbs that break up Biofilm
Goldenseal is one of the 5 best-selling herbal products in the United States. Goldenseal is a potent natural antibiotic, which like Cranberries contains the active ingredient (berberine) that prevents bacteria from adhering to your cell walls.
Uva Ursi Leaf - (tea or tincture)
Uva Ursi contains several chemicals. The main chemicals are hydroquinone and hydroquinones that make it useful for urinary problems. Uva Ursi is used to treat infections such as cystitis, urethritis and nephritis as well. The hydroquinone derivative, arbutin, is the chief active compound in uva ursi. This compound is absorbed in the stomach and then is converted into a substance that contains antimicrobial, astringent, and disinfectant properties. During the urination process, as it leaves the body it works on the mucus membranes of the urinary tract and soothes irritation, reduces inflammation, and fights infection. Reasearch has found that arbutin taken alone is not as effective as the whole Uva Ursi plant in controlling urinary tract infections. The reason for this is because intestinal bacteria breaks down arbutin, but they are not always able to do so in the presence of other Uva Ursi compounds.
Uva Ursi contains diuretic chemicals, including ursolic acid, powerful astringents, and a chemical that helps promote the growth of healthy new cells called allatoin. In addition to its antiseptic and *astringent actions, uva ursi may also help to flush out bacteria by promoting urination. (*An astringent shrinks and tightens the top layers of mucous membranes, thereby reducing secretions, relieving irritation, and improving tissue firmness.) Uva Ursi is also used to reduce the accumulation of uric acid and relieve pain of bladder stones. The diuretic action may relieve the bloating feeling associated with menstruation as well.
Uva Ursi has been approved for treating inflammation of the lower urinary tract by Commission E of the German Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices, which is the German governmental agency that evaluates the safety and effectiveness of herbal products
Uva Ursi References: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/uva-ursi
If there's one thing I learned, it's that biofilms have a huge part to play in the role of eradicating "ANY" pathogen. With that being said, I didn't learn this concept until years after my initial mold exposure. Unfortunately it was a hard lesson learned because I spent many years suffering from fungal infections, viral infections and bacterial infections.
After you have faithfully opened up detox pathways every day for a month your body should be ready to go after the biofilms created by fungi, bacteria and parasites.
A biofilm is produced by certain microorganisms. They are extracellular polymers that act like a glue and create a physical barrier around colonizing bacteria, fungi and parasites. Biofilm-producing microorganisms are involved in 80% of all GI infections in humans.
Once a pathogen (Bacteria/Mold/Parasite) colonizes and begins to form biofilm, it becomes harder to detect and remove; especially the longer it is present. Biofilms shield the pathogens from your immune system, and they accelerate the growth and dispersion of the pathogen throughout the GI tract while providing an environment for new pathogens to attach and grow.
You can see now why it is VERY VERY important to attack these Biofilms, daily "RIGHT BEFORE" (I take my biofilm busters 30 minutes before either my "antifungal, antibacterial, antiparasitic, antiviral", whichever pathogen I am targeting), you take an anti-microbial to go after Fungi/Mycotoxin, Bacteria or Parasites. If these barriers are still there and still protecting these pathogens ALL of your efforts to kill, neutralize and disable them will be useless. I'd like to say that I can save you and thousands of others the hardship I went through of years and years of taking "this antifungal / that microbial/ this parasite cleanse" only to find out that I NEVER addressed the biofilms that were protecting these pathogens and helping them thrive.
So now that you know you need to "BUST THE BIOFILMS" first, you want to know "How to do it right"...good news!! After more learning and research, I finally found tons of ways to do it. My best recommendations based on scientific data for BIOFILM DESTROYERS are below:
Enzymes that break up biofilm |
Non-Herbals that break up Biofilm |
- Chitosan [23, 24, 9]
- Colloidal Silver [32]
- EDTA [27] – EDTA likely exerts antimicrobial activity by chelating magnesium and calcium – minerals necessary for growth and membrane stability and may also display anti-biofilm activity by reducing biofilm material (EPS) production and/or enhancing the detachment of bacterial cells from the biofilm. Magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, and manganese appear to stabilize the biofilm matrix of a variety of organisms by enhancing structural integrity through electrostatic interactions that serve to cross-link the matrix [4].
- High alkalinity (magnesium?) [30]
- Iron (29)
- Lactoferrin [15, 26]
- L Reuteri [34]
- Manganese [4]
- Monolaurin [31] (G+)
- NAC [25]
- Norspermidine (found in chlorella) [3]
- Ozone Therapy (Medical not environmental ozone) [21, 22]
- Zeolite (Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans) [33]
- Zinc [28]
Herbs that break up Biofilm |
- Alfalfa [54]
- Andrographis [39]
- Apigenin [48]
- Baicalein [31, 31]
- Berberine [41, 9]
- Black cumin oil/Thymoquinone [44]
- Boswellia [45]
- Cinnamon/Cinnamaldehyde [42, 43] and Cinnamon essential oil [43]
- Curcumin [40, 9]
- Eugenol [42, 9, 43] – found in Tulsi, clove essential oil and cinnamon essential oil
- Gentian violet [52]
- Ginkgo
- Kaempferol [48]
- Mangosteen (streptococcus) [53]
- Naringenin [48]
- Neem [11, 51]
- Oregano Oil (carvacrol+thymol) [46]
- Quercetin [47]
- Rosmarinic acid (higher concentrations) [50]
- St John’s Wort [49]
Foods that break up Biofilms |
- Apple Cider Vinegar [12] -physiologically tolerable concentrations of acetic acid can completely eradicate bacteria in mature biofilms vitro.
- Caprylic acid (G+,-, fungal) [13]
- Cranberry [20]
- Garlic [16, 17]
- Ginger [19] (G+,-)
- Honey [10]
- Linoleic acid (omega-6) [8, 9, 8]
- Manuka [18]
- Oleic Acid/Olive Oil [8, 8]
- Propolis (candida biofilm) [11]
- Stevia [14]
- Vanilla
- Xylitol [15]
In Chemistry, Quaternary ammonium compounds are cationic detergents and antiseptics (viral/bacterial) added to various solutions. Ammonia itself is a gas and is the active chemical gas that denatures mycotoxin (Which is found in both the quat and hydroxide forms of ammonium)
What is Household Ammonia?
When ammonia is mixed with H20 or water it is called Ammonium Hydroxide (household liquid ammonia).
When Quats (detergents) are added to Ammonium Hydroxide you get Quaternary Ammonium. Quats "by themselves" do not denature mycotoxin. Their purpose are to “lift” organic matter from surfaces or are added as bacterial or virus killers. An example would be how dish soap contains quat. Without the quat in the dishsoap it would not lift the food (organic substance) from the food and you’d have to use the power of water alone to wash your dishes. (which doesn’t work too well).
Quaternary ammonium has a different (pH) than Ammonium Hydroxide which means it is “NOT” as strong as Ammonium Hydroxide (common household ammonia). Ammonium Hydroxide is stronger than Quaternary Ammonium as it applies to “mycotoxin degradation” only.
Both Quaternary Ammonium & Ammonium Hydroxide (common household liquid ammonia) kill mold spores AND denature mycotoxin only because they contain “Ammonia”. But Quaternary is weaker because it is an additional added ingredient which lessens the overall total amount of the ammonia in Ammonium Hydroxide. Less ammonia = weaker ability to neutralize.
Quaternary Ammonium is most often used in situations where floods and cleanups require a detergent to lift dirt, scum and/or indoor water damage bacteria or viruses are more dominant than an overall mold issue because ammonia by itself is a weak antibacterial. But for toxic mold situations it is not required to have an antibacterial only something to kill mold and neutralize and break up the molecular structure of mycotoxin.
Ammonium Hydroxide (Household Ammonia of 3% concentrations or less) is much safer and does not cause long term health effects but Quaternary Ammonium causes more severe lung damage and also attacks the reproductive system and endocrine systems. (NOT GOOD). Ammonia Gas is natural…whereas Quats are synthetic man made and dangerous for use
What role does Zeolite play in removing toxic mold
from the body and do we really need it?
Our indoor and outdoor environments have become so polluted with daily contact to toxic molds in indoor buildings, chemicals in our food, drinking water, air, cleaning products and cosmetics, and heavy metals such as mercury from our dental fillings that our body’s toxic load has become critical in many cases. It’s been discovered that zeolite can very effectively pull out of our bodies the harmful toxicity that has accumulated over the years, including toxic molds that put off mycotoxins, heavy metals such as mercury and lead, bacteria, viruses and even other minor mold allergens (non mycotoxigenic molds).
So many diseases and health conditions are caused by toxicity, (up to 75% of ALL CANCERS may be due to toxins) along with chronic fatigue, inflammatory responses, neurological disorders, the list goes on. Check out this long list of symptoms that just "Mold/Mycotoxins" can cause. Thousands of people around the world have been taking zeolite daily and have had their long term health conditions, chronic mold illnesses, even serious diseases, reversed. It proves that when the toxicity is taken out of the body, the body can heal itself so much better. Zeolite is not just good at binding to toxic mold spores and mycotoxins or heavy metals such as mercury from the body, but, also cadmium, nickel, arsenic and a whole host of toxic substances.
Body detoxification has become popular as many realize the need to detoxify the body from these harmful substances. Many people do detoxification procedures, such as oxygen therapy, mold detox diets, chelation diets, fasts, liver and gall bladder flushes, colonic irrigation, saunas, light and even glutathione therapies and so on. The detoxification process in itself can make you feel very unwell as the toxicity becomes mobilized and moves around your body. Sometimes the body cannot eject the toxins quick enough, and, so very unpleasant “die-off” occurs, with headaches, fevers, fatigue and possible skin rashes often accompanying a body detox. But, can these procedures remove mycotoxins, heavy metals and chemicals that are deep in the tissues and organs? It’s still possible that these detox methods are not as effective as they could be.
When it comes to zeolite, the detox is far different.
These unpleasant detox symptoms are not generally felt, because, the zeolite cage structure holds the toxins and then is passed out in the urine or sweat.
Many health conditions have improved dramatically when zeolite has been introduced to the body.
Here are some of the many benefits of Zeolite
1. Helps support a healthy immune system
2. Helps remove heavy metals, polar and non-polar mold/mycotoxins such as aflatoxin, ochratoxin, fumanism, T-2 toxins (trichothecenes) as well as other airborne toxins and chemicals.
3. Helps balance pH levels in the body
4. 100% natural and non toxic
5. Safe for long term use
6. Simple to take and highly effective
7. Helps reduce discomfort in joints/other parts of the body
8. Helps stabilize energy levels
9. Helps reduce inflammation on skin
10. Affordable! Giving anyone access to taking charge of their health
11. Extremely safe and EASY to take
12. By reducing the toxic load to the liver allows the liver to remove mycotoxins, metals pesticides, herbicides & dioxins, which have been linked to triggering cancer.
13. Reduces viral load
14. Helps to buffer blood sugar
15. Improves nutrient absorption
16. Helps prevent premature aging
17. Acts as a powerful antioxidant
18. Reduces symptoms of heavy metal poisoning, CIRS/Mycotoxicosis/Mold Illness/Toxic Mold Exposure.
19. Can help improve the health of your family & friends
20. The easiest way to Detox your body
Do you think you are really toxic?
- Have you ever spent one hour or more a day in a home, school, office or car that had visible mold?
- Have you lived in a home with a leaky roof or basement?
- Do you consume beverages or foods like peanuts, cashews, corn, wine, aged cheeses, pork or coffee? If so, 80% of these food and drink items contain higher than normal levels of aflatoxins and ochratoxins which are dangerous mycotoxins that lead to disease and even cancer or death.
- If you were "EVER" vaccinated, mercury was commonly used in the vaccine as a carrier.
- Have you ever taken antibiotics? Did you know antibiotics are made from toxic molds...and leave toxic residues in the body for a long time?
- If you have amalgam fillings in your teeth, then you have mercury in your body.
- Do you use everyday cleaning products from the store like Lysol, clorox, johnson and johnson? Yep, you got it...toxic chemicals and you are using those chemicals to wipe down every suface of your home breathing it in and ingesting it daily.
- Do you live near a train station, bus depot or airport? Fumes from petrole
- If you smoke, or have smoked, then you may already know that cigarettes do not only contain tobacco, but also heavy metals along with arsenic and other poisonous chemicals.
- Do you ever eat out of or store your food in plastic containers? They contain BPA a highly toxic ingredient.
- If you live or work in a city, every breath you take contains heavy metals.
- Unless you only ever eat organic food, it is highly likely that the food you eat has been sprayed or grown in poor soil, and is full of pesticides and pollution.
- If you use cosmetics/shampoos/conditioners, these too are full of chemicals which, when absorbed by the body, are toxic.
- If you eat fish (especially tuna) the lead and mercury in them will be absorbed into your body.
- When you drink water, unless it is carefully filtered and purified, you will be drinking chemicals and heavy metals.
We live in an environment far removed from how our ancestors lived, and our bodies are now subjected to an increasing array of man made chemicals. Our bodies simply weren’t designed to have to process such toxic substances….in a natural environment, we would never come into contact with such things.
But, now we do, and it’s the accumulative effect on these toxins that can be so devastating. A wealth of research has been, and is being done the world over, demonstrating the detrimental effects of just one of these toxins…mercury. MS, Cancer, Heart Disease, CFS/M.E., Fibromyalgia, ALS, Parkinsons, autoimmune diseases, autism, dementia, the list goes on, have all shown strong links to mold, chemical and mercury toxicity.
Zeolite (clinoptilolite) incorporated into the diet may be effective in fighting mycotoxins by direct absorption. Affinity toward aflatoxins, zearalenone, ochratoxin, and the T2 toxin was proven in vitro in the presence of aminoacids and vitamins, where the latter were not absorbed by the clinoptilolite material (Tomasevic-Canovic et al., 1996). The specificity for aflatoxin M1 was also shown in vivo, and the dietary administration of clinoptilolite, especially of the material with the smallest particle size at the rate of 200 g per cow per a day, effectively reduced milk aflatoxin M1 concentration in dairy cattle (Katsoulos et al., 2016).
Here is the ZEOlite I used in my recovery.
You can start your body's detox right now!
Questions people ask about Zeolite:
Is Zeolite safe for humans?
Zeolite has been found to be remarkably non-toxic, even at very high doses, and safe for children, nursing mothers, and pets.
Is There Lead and Aluminum in Zeolite?
Zeolite is a volcanic mineral, and is made up of an array of elements because it essentially comes from the core of the Earth. All of these elements are bound within the structure of zeolite. When taken as a supplement, the extremely strong structure of zeolite cannot be broken down by the body. The only circumstances that can breakdown the zeolite structure are intense volcanic heat and pure hydrochloric acid; neither of these harsh conditions exists within the human body.
The structure of zeolite is aluminosilicate. Hearing this often scares people because they automatically assume there is aluminum in it that could cause harm by taking it. There are also endless rumors on the Internet claiming zeolite supplements are dangerous and contain lead which can poison the body. THESE ARE MARKETING TACTICS USED BY COMPETITORS TO SCARE POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS INTO BUYING THEIR ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS. There is absolutely NO TRUTH to these claims. As stated above, any elements that might be in zeolite are bound within the structure and zeolite is never broken down within the body. Zeolite does the opposite of these rumors, and actually absorbs dangerous lead and aluminum, among numerous other heavy metals, that may be clogging up cells and disrupting normal functions.
What is better: zeolite powder or liquid zeolite?
Good question, the answer in detail is found in Zeolite liquid or Zeolite Powder?
Can I still take my usual supplements while taking Zeolite?
Yes, zeolites don’t absorb nutrients, only toxins with a positive charge. But make sure to take zeolite 2 hours "BEFORE" medications in the morning is best.
Are there any side effects in taking Zeolite?
Probably not, there are no known interactions between drugs and zeolite. If you have any concerns always consult a health professional. Just keep in mind that taking zeolite within 2 hours of taking any medication can reduce it's effectiveness.
How long will it take to feel the benefits of taking Zeolite?
Everyone is different, some people feel a difference within a few days, but, for others, it may take several weeks or months.
My doctor has never heard of Zeolite.
Chances are, they haven't. Remember, mainstream medicine relys mainly on patented pharmaceutical drugs. Anything alternative, most doctors will have no knowledge.
Scientific Resources:
In agreement with the scientific evidence presented in the literature so far, it can be generally stated that clinoptilolite-based materials, including the so-called activated materials, may be regarded as safe for in vivo consumption. A variety of highly positive effects on animal and human health were documented thus far for clinoptilolite-based materials. Due to clinoptilolite’s remarkable ion-exchange and adsorption properties and consequent detoxifying effects, it has proven useful in the elimination of a variety of contaminants from the body or in amelioration of the intestinal status. An indirect systemic detoxification effect attributed to clinoptilolite-based material supplementation in the diet of both animals and humans was documented in other organs as well, e.g., liver. However, the observed positive systemic mechanisms are still not completely understood. We hypothesize that they may be at least partially attributed to the restoration of the human homeostasis due to local detoxification properties within the intestine, the release of dissolved silica forms from the clinoptilolite tuff that enter from the intestine into the blood, as well as to clinoptilolite’s immunomodulatory effects. The observed local immunomodulatory effects of clinoptilolite involve the induction of immune responses through Peyer’s patches and/or possible positive effects on microbial intestinal populations through still unknown mechanisms. These local effects may have a systemic ‘echo’ on the whole immune status as well, as observed in some studies.
Finally, clinoptilolite’s antioxidant effects and restoration of antioxidant defense mechanisms may also be linked to the positive general systemic impact. However, conclusive statements on the exact applications and benefits of clinoptilolite-based materials in humans should be carefully investigated and analyzed for each specific clinoptilolite material as the mechanisms of action may have correlations with the specific material’s physical and chemical properties. Currently, different clinoptilolite-containing materials are used in medical applications worldwide. These materials contain different percentages of clinoptilolite and different compositions. Also, clinoptilolite-containing natural tuffs come with small quantities of other trace elements, and clinoptilolite is always pre-loaded with various cations. Some of the alkaline ions contained in the crystal lattice, mainly Na+, Ca2+, Mg2, and K+, may be readily released during the ion-exchange process. While these parameters may not be that relevant for agricultural or industrial applications, veterinary and human applications would require a higher level of control via a quality control system in the production, both of the raw material and the final products. For example, a proper mining process with adequate cleaning, sieving, de-hydrating, and pre-milling processes, along with elemental and microbiological examination of the clinoptilolite materials, might be considered among essential requirements for ensuring purity and quality (in relation to the high clinoptilolite content in the tuff) of the final materials for in vivo consumption.
Are you a mold doctor, mold practitioner, mold coach or have a blog about health? Would you like to offer ZeoHealth (ZeoBind) to your clients? Get more information HERE
What is MARCoNS?
MARCoNS (Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Coagulase Negative Staphylococci) is an antibiotic resistant bacterial staph colonization that resides deep in the nasal passage of 80% of people with low MSH (Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone), those suffering from Biotoxin Illness and other chronic inflammatory illnesses like Toxic Mold Exposure, Chemical Exposure, CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome) and CFIDS (Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome). This percentage increases when a person has also been on an antibiotic for a month or more.
Once the bacteria has taken up residence, MARCoNS will further lower MSH (MARCoNS make hemolysin that cleave MSH rendering it inactive), increases cytokines, and lower T-reg cells resulting in Chronic Fatigue symptoms of body aches and debilitating exhaustion. MARCoNS is not an infection but a commensal colonization that can become an infection. These bacteria send chemicals into the blood (exotoxins A and B) that increase inflammation and by cleaving MSH causes a further decrease of MSH levels, which in turn creates more inflammation.
MARCoNS live in deep nasal passages and is a common occurrence in all biotoxin illness. MARCoNS is not commonly found in the deep sinuses of normal individuals with intact immune systems. MARCoNS is found in many patients with mold exposure, chronic lyme disease and biotoxin illnesses.
As MSH is further lowered by MARCoNS, fatigue and chronic pain due to reduced endorphins and increased cytokines will ensue. In addition, hormone imbalances, mood swings, leaky gut, alternating constipation and diarrhea (SIBO), lower melatonin (poor sleep), and low ADH (Antidiuretic Hormone) are all the result of low MSH. When MSH falls too low, the body initially raises ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic Hormone) and Cortisol in response to the increased stress thereby keeping the person functional. However, over time, the body loses the ability to compensate resulting in ACTH and Cortisol values that fall below normal levels and adrenal fatigue sets in.
Related to ADH, an imbalance between lowered ADH and Plasma Osmolality (a measure of body hydration) results in the person being unable to hold water (frequent urination), and may lead to frequent static shocks due to the higher than normal salt levels on the skin, along with lower back pain, fungal overgrowth, depression, allergies, obesity and other symptoms associated with chronic dehydration.
The Inflammatory markers C4A and TGF-beta 1 are typically quite high in people with biotoxin illness, also called CIRS or (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome). MSH protects the mucous membranes in the nose from colonization of MARCoNS. Fungal exposure, chronic lyme disease and biotoxin illnesses deplete MSH, therefore leading to colonization of these bacteria. Staph Coagulase Negative becomes multiple antibiotic resistant due to the formation of a biofilm which protects the bacteria from the penetration of the antibiotics.
In summary, reduced MSH is a co-factor which can lead to MARCoNS becoming a nasal staph infection. MARCoNS activates inflammation and produces biofilm and biotoxins. HLA-DR genetic testing can also be helpful to see if there is an immune defect caused by environmental exposure that can cause the lack of detoxification of lyme, bacterial or mold toxins.
How is MARCoNS diagnosed?
MARCoNS can easily be diagnosed with just two tests:
- MSH (Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone): Your doctor can order this test for you
Other helpful tests (as explained in this article, but not required for a diagnosis of MARCoNS) are:
- Cortisol (Saliva only)
- C4a
- TGF Beta-1
What is the best treatment plan for MARCoNS?
Conventional approach
The conventional approach to eradicating MARCoNS involves working closely with your practitioner. Usually in this case the proper testing methods are ordered and performed such as MARCoNS tests, MSH levels and more.
After testing has confirmed that you do have MARCoNS, your doctor will view the list of "resistant bacteria" that are listed on your lab report. This will allow your doctor to be able to prescribe the proper antibiotics that "your body" is NOT resistant to plus rounds of what is called BEG spray.
*WARNING: Taking the conventional approach to MARCoNS is NOT the best recommended way to eradicate MARCoNS safely. Ingesting antibiotics "FURTHER LOWERS" your MSH and also disrupts the gut bacteria. This could ultimately lead to another case of MARCoNS, Candida Overgrowth, SIBO, Leaky Gut, Allergies and more. For safer and effective options please see the holistic approach below.
Holistic approach
MARCoNS Holistic Approach #1 (Level 1 -easiest to do but takes the longest to eradicate the bacteria. Patients report up to 6 months on this easy protocol)
I used 2 specific all natural sprays: "Xlear" which contains Grapefruit Seed Extract and Xylitol which are excellent biofilm busting agents in getting straight to the MARCoNS. Xlear is completely "all natural" and completely safe for adults and children so there are no chemicals or drugs involved in the sinuses. In addition, I use "Argentyn 23" nasal spray to eradicate fungus and bacteria from my nose and sinuses. It completely eliminates the use for antibiotics (which as you read above, aren't always effective on MARCoNS) Argentyn is 100% natural and safe for adults and children. It is made of silver hydrosol.
The 2 sprays are used in rotation. It doesn't matter which spray you start with. Each spray is used "twice a day" in each nostril (rotating) Ex: I used my sprays, Xlear (two sprays each nostril) at 9am, Argentyn 23 (two sprays each nostril) at 2pm, Xlear (two sprays each nostril) at 6pm and then Argentyn 23 (two sprays each nostril) before bed.
If test still shows a positive MARCoNS diagnosis and low levels of MSH you'll need to keep repeating the protocol for another month or so. OR, you can try the Holistic Protocol for Megasporebiotics below.
MARCoNS Holistic Approach #2 (Level 2 semi-difficult)
Megasporebiotic protocol - *NOTE: Megasporebiotic is NOT available unless you have an authorized Health Professional who has access to the product. If you do not have an authorized health professional you are working with you can see the substitutes below that can be purchased through amazon.
- Megasporebiotic Capsules - Only available from your authorized practitioner or these alternative spore based probiotics:
- Saline Solution - BUY HERE
- Empty Sterile Nasal Spray Bottle - BUY HERE
- Argentyn 23 Colloidal Silver - BUY HERE
How to make a MegaSporeBiotic (or other spore-based probiotic) nasal Spray: Open 1-2 capsules in a nasal spray bottle. Add saline.
Leave out on counter at room temperature for a day. This will allow the probiotic to sporinate.
This protocol is slightly different in that you are not rotating sprays on a daily basis. For 3 days, spray ONLY the Megasporebiotic twice in each nostril, twice a day. (These spore-based probiotics only have on-average, a 3 day lifespan so you'll need to make another new solution every 4 days to start your 4-day protocol over and over again.
On Day 4 - spray with Argentyn 23. Colloidal Silver and repeat this process exactly how it is mentioned. So basically your rotation is every 4 days: 3 days of BRAND NEWLY-MADE spore biotic solution followed by one full day of the Argentyn two sprays in each nostril twice that day.
Repeat the rotation until MARCoNS is resolved.
MARCoNS Holistic Approach #3 - (LEVEL 3 more difficult but highly effective)
Iodine, Xlear, Sovereign Silver "IRRIGATION" approach. This protocol is a little more complicated and requires a strategic approach. This protocol includes using Iodine. Some people react to iodine in a negative way so it's wise to make sure you are not one of those who reacts first before trying the protocol. I would say that buying a small amount of iodine and doing a skin test. Apply a small amount or one drop of iodine to your skin to see if there is a reaction before using it in your nasal cavity. Many practitioners I've spoken to advise patients who are going to try the iodine method that they must consider supplementing with Selenium 200-400mcg daily. I buy the Soloray brand HERE because it is "citric acid & yeast free" for moldies. Selenium increases thyroid production and protects you against Hashimotos. Obviously this made me understand that too, if you have Hashimotos this protocol is NOT for you.
- Empty Sterile Nasal Spray Bottle - BUY HERE
- Xlear nasal spray - BUY HERE
- Sovereign Silver nano hydrosol - BUY HERE
- Lugols Iodine - BUY HERE
- Fine Ground Celtic (brand) Sea Salt - BUY HERE
- Navage (brand) nasal irrigation system - BUY HERE
Mix the Sovereign Silver and Xlear 50/50 in a sterile/empty nasal spray bottle two sprays twice a day.
In the Navage irrigation system mix a dash of the “Celtic Sea salt” (should taste like your tears) AND one to six drops of Lugols Iodine. Change how many drops you put in each time so the MARCoNS do not become resistant. Follow the directions on the Navage system and flush out your nasal and sinus cavities acording to the detailed instructions on the box.
HOW LONG DOES MARCoNS therapy last?
There is no set timing for this, unfortunately. It's based on how effective your treatment is. This is why it can be very beneficial to have your doctor guide you through this process. They can better help you keep an eye on what's working and what's NOT working. They can also re-order tests for you to make sure that the staph is completely gone. I don't recommend trying this on your own without at least a minimal amount of help. However, if you are strapped and cannot find a doctor to help you, there are ways you can order the labs on your own but be prepared to pay full price online for MSH lab testing. So to answer your question....It took me 3 months of treatment to eradicate my MARCoNS after exposure. NOTE: Getting re-exposed to another mold or water damaged building can have you starting all over again from step 1...so always practice mold avoidance if all possible and also be aware of lyme disease and tick prevention as well.
The only way to know that your MARCoNS has been eradicated is to repeat the testing method of:
- MARCoNS testing: HERE
- Having your doctor re-order your MSH levels again or you can order your own MSH lab testing online through a reputable lab.
Do you think you might have mold in your home, place of business or school? Are you or someone you love suffering from an unknown illness that doctors can't diagnose? Is mold making you sick? Go to our Step by Step and start Surviving Toxic Mold. |