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A Mold Recovery Blog
Saturday, February 29 2020

In Chemistry, Quaternary ammonium compounds are cationic detergents and antiseptics (viral/bacterial) added to various solutions. Ammonia itself is a gas and is the active chemical gas that denatures mycotoxin (Which is found in both the quat and hydroxide forms of ammonium)

What is Household Ammonia?

When ammonia is mixed with H20 or water it is called Ammonium Hydroxide (household liquid ammonia).
When Quats (detergents) are added to Ammonium Hydroxide you get Quaternary Ammonium. Quats "by themselves" do not denature mycotoxin. Their purpose are to “lift” organic matter from surfaces or are added as bacterial or virus killers. An example would be how dish soap contains quat. Without the quat in the dishsoap it would not lift the food (organic substance) from the food and you’d have to use the power of water alone to wash your dishes. (which doesn’t work too well).

Quaternary ammonium has a different (pH) than Ammonium Hydroxide which means it is “NOT” as strong as Ammonium Hydroxide (common household ammonia). Ammonium Hydroxide is stronger than Quaternary Ammonium as it applies to “mycotoxin degradation” only.

Both Quaternary Ammonium & Ammonium Hydroxide (common household liquid ammonia) kill mold spores AND denature mycotoxin only because they contain “Ammonia”. But Quaternary is weaker because it is an additional added ingredient which lessens the overall total amount of the ammonia in Ammonium Hydroxide. Less ammonia = weaker ability to neutralize.

Quaternary Ammonium is most often used in situations where floods and cleanups require a detergent to lift dirt, scum and/or indoor water damage bacteria or viruses are more dominant than an overall mold issue because ammonia by itself is a weak antibacterial. But for toxic mold situations it is not required to have an antibacterial only something to kill mold and neutralize and break up the molecular structure of mycotoxin.

Ammonium Hydroxide (Household Ammonia of 3% concentrations or less) is much safer and does not cause long term health effects but Quaternary Ammonium causes more severe lung damage and also attacks the reproductive system and endocrine systems. (NOT GOOD). Ammonia Gas is natural…whereas Quats are synthetic man made and dangerous for use

Posted by: Jennifer Cannon AT 06:33 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, December 03 2019

What role does Zeolite play in removing toxic mold
from the body and do we really need it?

Our indoor and outdoor environments have become so polluted with daily contact to toxic molds in indoor buildings, chemicals in our food, drinking water, air, cleaning products and cosmetics, and heavy metals such as mercury from our dental fillings that our body’s toxic load has become critical in many cases. It’s been discovered that zeolite can very effectively pull out of our bodies the harmful toxicity that has accumulated over the years, including toxic molds that put off mycotoxins, heavy metals such as mercury and lead, bacteria, viruses and even other minor mold allergens (non mycotoxigenic molds).

So many diseases and health conditions are caused by toxicity, (up to 75% of ALL CANCERS may be due to toxins) along with chronic fatigue, inflammatory responses, neurological disorders, the list goes on. Check out this long list of symptoms that just "Mold/Mycotoxins" can cause. Thousands of people around the world have been taking zeolite daily and have had their long term health conditions, chronic mold illnesses, even serious diseases, reversed. It proves that when the toxicity is taken out of the body, the body can heal itself so much better. Zeolite is not just good at binding to toxic mold spores and mycotoxins or heavy metals such as mercury from the body, but, also cadmium, nickel, arsenic and a whole host of toxic substances.

Body detoxification has become popular as many realize the need to detoxify the body from these harmful substances. Many people do detoxification procedures, such as oxygen therapy, mold detox diets, chelation diets, fasts, liver and gall bladder flushes, colonic irrigation, saunas, light and even glutathione therapies and so on. The detoxification process in itself can make you feel very unwell as the toxicity becomes mobilized and moves around your body. Sometimes the body cannot eject the toxins quick enough, and, so very unpleasant “die-off” occurs, with headaches, fevers, fatigue and possible skin rashes often accompanying a body detox. But, can these procedures remove mycotoxins, heavy metals and chemicals that are deep in the tissues and organs? It’s still possible that these detox methods are not as effective as they could be.

When it comes to zeolite, the detox is far different.
These unpleasant detox symptoms are not generally felt, because, the zeolite cage structure holds the toxins and then is passed out in the urine or sweat.

Many health conditions have improved dramatically when zeolite has been introduced to the body.

Here are some of the many benefits of Zeolite

1. Helps support a healthy immune system
2. Helps remove heavy metals, polar and non-polar mold/mycotoxins such as aflatoxin, ochratoxin, fumanism, T-2 toxins (trichothecenes) as well as other airborne toxins and chemicals.
3. Helps balance pH levels in the body
4. 100% natural and non toxic
5. Safe for long term use
6. Simple to take and highly effective
7. Helps reduce discomfort in joints/other parts of the body
8. Helps stabilize energy levels
9. Helps reduce inflammation on skin
10. Affordable! Giving anyone access to taking charge of their health
11. Extremely safe and EASY to take
12. By reducing the toxic load to the liver allows the liver to remove mycotoxins, metals pesticides, herbicides & dioxins, which have been linked to triggering cancer.
13. Reduces viral load
14. Helps to buffer blood sugar
15. Improves nutrient absorption
16. Helps prevent premature aging
17. Acts as a powerful antioxidant
18. Reduces symptoms of heavy metal poisoning, CIRS/Mycotoxicosis/Mold Illness/Toxic Mold Exposure.
19. Can help improve the health of your family & friends
20. The easiest way to Detox your body

Do you think you are really toxic?


  • Have you ever spent one hour or more a day in a home, school, office or car that had visible mold?
  • Have you lived in a home with a leaky roof or basement?
  • Do you consume beverages or foods like peanuts, cashews, corn, wine, aged cheeses, pork or coffee?  If so, 80% of these food and drink items contain higher than normal levels of aflatoxins and ochratoxins which are dangerous mycotoxins that lead to disease and even cancer or death.
  • If you were "EVER" vaccinated, mercury was commonly used in the vaccine as a carrier.
  • Have you ever taken antibiotics?  Did you know antibiotics are made from toxic molds...and leave toxic residues in the body for a long time?
  • If you have amalgam fillings in your teeth, then you have mercury in your body.
  • Do you use everyday cleaning products from the store like Lysol, clorox, johnson and johnson?  Yep, you got it...toxic chemicals and you are using those chemicals to wipe down every suface of your home breathing it in and ingesting it daily.
  • Do you live near a train station, bus depot or airport?  Fumes from petrole
  • If you smoke, or have smoked, then you may already know that cigarettes do not only contain tobacco, but also heavy metals along with arsenic and other poisonous chemicals.
  • Do you ever eat out of or store your food in plastic containers?  They contain BPA a highly toxic ingredient.
  • If you live or work in a city, every breath you take contains heavy metals.
  • Unless you only ever eat organic food, it is highly likely that the food you eat has been sprayed or grown in poor soil, and is full of pesticides and  pollution.
  • If you use cosmetics/shampoos/conditioners, these too are full of chemicals which, when absorbed by the body, are toxic.
  • If you eat fish (especially tuna) the lead and mercury in them will be absorbed into your body.
  • When you drink water, unless it is carefully filtered and purified, you will be drinking chemicals and heavy metals.

We live in an environment far removed from how our ancestors lived, and our bodies are now subjected to an increasing array of man made chemicals. Our bodies simply weren’t designed to have to process such toxic substances….in a natural environment, we would never come into contact with such things.
But, now we do, and it’s the accumulative effect on these toxins that can be so devastating. A wealth of research has been, and is being done the world over, demonstrating the detrimental effects of just one of these toxins…mercury. MS, Cancer, Heart Disease, CFS/M.E., Fibromyalgia, ALS, Parkinsons, autoimmune diseases, autism, dementia, the list goes on, have all shown strong links to mold, chemical and mercury toxicity.

Zeolite (clinoptilolite) incorporated into the diet may be effective in fighting mycotoxins by direct absorption. Affinity toward aflatoxins, zearalenone, ochratoxin, and the T2 toxin was proven in vitro in the presence of aminoacids and vitamins, where the latter were not absorbed by the clinoptilolite material (). The specificity for aflatoxin M1 was also shown in vivo, and the dietary administration of clinoptilolite, especially of the material with the smallest particle size at the rate of 200 g per cow per a day, effectively reduced milk aflatoxin M1 concentration in dairy cattle ().

Here is the ZEOlite I used in my recovery. 
You can start your body's detox right now!

Questions people ask about Zeolite:

Is Zeolite safe for humans?

Zeolite has been found to be remarkably non-toxic, even at very high doses, and safe for children, nursing mothers, and pets.

Is There Lead and Aluminum in Zeolite?

Zeolite is a volcanic mineral, and is made up of an array of elements because it essentially comes from the core of the Earth. All of these elements are bound within the structure of zeolite. When taken as a supplement, the extremely strong structure of zeolite cannot be broken down by the body. The only circumstances that can breakdown the zeolite structure are intense volcanic heat and pure hydrochloric acid; neither of these harsh conditions exists within the human body.

The structure of zeolite is aluminosilicate. Hearing this often scares people because they automatically assume there is aluminum in it that could cause harm by taking it. There are also endless rumors on the Internet claiming zeolite supplements are dangerous and contain lead which can poison the body.  THESE ARE MARKETING TACTICS USED BY COMPETITORS TO SCARE POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS INTO BUYING THEIR ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS.  There is absolutely NO TRUTH to these claims. As stated above, any elements that might be in zeolite are bound within the structure and zeolite is never broken down within the body. Zeolite does the opposite of these rumors, and actually absorbs dangerous lead and aluminum, among numerous other heavy metals, that may be clogging up cells and disrupting normal functions.

What is better: zeolite powder or liquid zeolite?

Good question, the answer in detail is found in Zeolite liquid or Zeolite Powder?

Can I still take my usual supplements while taking Zeolite?

Yes, zeolites don’t absorb nutrients, only toxins with a positive charge. But make sure to take zeolite 2 hours "BEFORE" medications in the morning is best.

Are there any side effects in taking Zeolite?

Probably not, there are no known interactions between drugs and zeolite. If you have any concerns always consult a health professional.  Just keep in mind that taking zeolite within 2 hours of taking any medication can reduce it's effectiveness.  

How long will it take to feel the benefits of taking Zeolite?

Everyone is different, some people feel a difference within a few days, but, for others, it may take several weeks or months.

My doctor has never heard of Zeolite.

Chances are, they haven't. Remember, mainstream medicine relys mainly on patented pharmaceutical drugs. Anything alternative, most doctors will have no knowledge.


Scientific Resources: 

In agreement with the scientific evidence presented in the literature so far, it can be generally stated that clinoptilolite-based materials, including the so-called activated materials, may be regarded as safe for in vivo consumption. A variety of highly positive effects on animal and human health were documented thus far for clinoptilolite-based materials. Due to clinoptilolite’s remarkable ion-exchange and adsorption properties and consequent detoxifying effects, it has proven useful in the elimination of a variety of contaminants from the body or in amelioration of the intestinal status. An indirect systemic detoxification effect attributed to clinoptilolite-based material supplementation in the diet of both animals and humans was documented in other organs as well, e.g., liver. However, the observed positive systemic mechanisms are still not completely understood. We hypothesize that they may be at least partially attributed to the restoration of the human homeostasis due to local detoxification properties within the intestine, the release of dissolved silica forms from the clinoptilolite tuff that enter from the intestine into the blood, as well as to clinoptilolite’s immunomodulatory effects. The observed local immunomodulatory effects of clinoptilolite involve the induction of immune responses through Peyer’s patches and/or possible positive effects on microbial intestinal populations through still unknown mechanisms. These local effects may have a systemic ‘echo’ on the whole immune status as well, as observed in some studies.

Finally, clinoptilolite’s antioxidant effects and restoration of antioxidant defense mechanisms may also be linked to the positive general systemic impact. However, conclusive statements on the exact applications and benefits of clinoptilolite-based materials in humans should be carefully investigated and analyzed for each specific clinoptilolite material as the mechanisms of action may have correlations with the specific material’s physical and chemical properties. Currently, different clinoptilolite-containing materials are used in medical applications worldwide. These materials contain different percentages of clinoptilolite and different compositions. Also, clinoptilolite-containing natural tuffs come with small quantities of other trace elements, and clinoptilolite is always pre-loaded with various cations. Some of the alkaline ions contained in the crystal lattice, mainly Na+, Ca2+, Mg2, and K+, may be readily released during the ion-exchange process. While these parameters may not be that relevant for agricultural or industrial applications, veterinary and human applications would require a higher level of control via a quality control system in the production, both of the raw material and the final products. For example, a proper mining process with adequate cleaning, sieving, de-hydrating, and pre-milling processes, along with elemental and microbiological examination of the clinoptilolite materials, might be considered among essential requirements for ensuring purity and quality (in relation to the high clinoptilolite content in the tuff) of the final materials for in vivo consumption.


Are you a mold doctor, mold practitioner, mold coach or have a blog about health?  Would you like to offer ZeoHealth (ZeoBind) to your clients?  Get more information HERE

Posted by: Jennifer AT 07:51 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, August 22 2019
Toxic Mold and MARCoNS

What is MARCoNS?
MARCoNS (Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Coagulase Negative Staphylococci) is an antibiotic resistant bacterial staph colonization that resides deep in the nasal passage of 80% of people with low MSH (Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone), those suffering from Biotoxin Illness and other chronic inflammatory illnesses like Toxic Mold Exposure, Chemical Exposure, CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome) and CFIDS (Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome). This percentage increases when a person has also been on an antibiotic for a month or more.

Once the bacteria has taken up residence, MARCoNS will further lower MSH (MARCoNS make hemolysin that cleave MSH rendering it inactive), increases cytokines, and lower T-reg cells resulting in Chronic Fatigue symptoms of body aches and debilitating exhaustion. MARCoNS is not an infection but a commensal colonization that can become an infection. These bacteria send chemicals into the blood (exotoxins A and B) that increase inflammation and by cleaving MSH causes a further decrease of MSH levels, which in turn creates more inflammation.

MARCoNS live in deep nasal passages and is a common occurrence in all biotoxin illness. MARCoNS is not commonly found in the deep sinuses of normal individuals with intact immune systems. MARCoNS is found in many patients with mold exposure, chronic lyme disease and biotoxin illnesses.

As MSH is further lowered by MARCoNS, fatigue and chronic pain due to reduced endorphins and increased cytokines will ensue. In addition, hormone imbalances, mood swings, leaky gut, alternating constipation and diarrhea (SIBO), lower melatonin (poor sleep), and low ADH (Antidiuretic Hormone) are all the result of low MSH. When MSH falls too low, the body initially raises ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic Hormone) and Cortisol in response to the increased stress thereby keeping the person functional. However, over time, the body loses the ability to compensate resulting in ACTH and Cortisol values that fall below normal levels and adrenal fatigue sets in.

Related to ADH, an imbalance between lowered ADH and Plasma Osmolality (a measure of body hydration) results in the person being unable to hold water (frequent urination), and may lead to frequent static shocks due to the higher than normal salt levels on the skin, along with lower back pain, fungal overgrowth, depression, allergies, obesity and other symptoms associated with chronic dehydration.

The Inflammatory markers C4A and TGF-beta 1 are typically quite high in people with biotoxin illness, also called CIRS or (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome).   MSH protects the mucous membranes in the nose from colonization of MARCoNS. Fungal exposure, chronic lyme disease and biotoxin illnesses deplete MSH, therefore leading to colonization of these bacteria. Staph Coagulase Negative becomes multiple antibiotic resistant due to the formation of a biofilm which protects the bacteria from the penetration of the antibiotics.

In summary, reduced MSH is a co-factor which can lead to MARCoNS becoming a nasal staph infection. MARCoNS activates inflammation and produces biofilm and biotoxins.    HLA-DR genetic testing can also be helpful to see if there is an immune defect  caused by environmental exposure that can cause the lack of detoxification of lyme, bacterial or mold toxins.

How is MARCoNS diagnosed?

MARCoNS can easily be diagnosed with just two tests:  

  2. MSH (Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone): Your doctor can order this test for you

Other helpful tests (as explained in this article, but not required for a diagnosis of MARCoNS) are: 

  1. AHD
  2. Cortisol (Saliva only)
  3. ACTH
  4. C4a
  5. TGF Beta-1 

What is the best treatment plan for MARCoNS? 

Conventional approach

The conventional approach to eradicating MARCoNS involves working closely with your practitioner.  Usually in this case the proper testing methods are ordered and performed such as MARCoNS tests, MSH levels and more.  

After testing has confirmed that you do have MARCoNS, your doctor will view the list of "resistant bacteria" that are listed on your lab report.  This will allow your doctor to be able to prescribe the proper antibiotics that "your body" is NOT resistant to plus rounds of what is called BEG spray. 

*WARNING: Taking the conventional approach to MARCoNS is NOT the best recommended way to eradicate MARCoNS safely.  Ingesting antibiotics "FURTHER LOWERS" your MSH and also disrupts the gut bacteria.  This could ultimately lead to another case of MARCoNS, Candida Overgrowth, SIBO, Leaky Gut, Allergies and more.  For safer and effective options please see the holistic approach below. 

Holistic approach

MARCoNS Holistic Approach #1 (Level 1 -easiest to do but takes the longest to eradicate the bacteria.  Patients report up to 6 months on this easy protocol)
I used 2 specific all natural sprays: "Xlear" which contains Grapefruit Seed Extract and Xylitol which are excellent biofilm busting agents in getting straight to the MARCoNS.   Xlear is completely "all natural" and completely safe for adults and children so there are no chemicals or drugs involved in the sinuses.  In addition, I use  "Argentyn 23" nasal spray to eradicate fungus and bacteria from my nose and sinuses.  It completely eliminates the use for antibiotics (which as you read above, aren't always effective on MARCoNS)  Argentyn is 100% natural and safe for adults and children.  It is made of silver hydrosol. 


The 2 sprays are used in rotation.  It doesn't matter which spray you start with.  Each spray is used "twice a day" in each nostril (rotating)  Ex:  I used my sprays, Xlear (two sprays each nostril) at 9am, Argentyn 23 (two sprays each nostril) at 2pm, Xlear (two sprays each nostril) at 6pm and then Argentyn 23 (two sprays each nostril) before bed. 

If test still shows a positive MARCoNS diagnosis and low levels of MSH you'll need to keep repeating the protocol for another month or so.  OR, you can try the Holistic Protocol for Megasporebiotics below. 


MARCoNS Holistic Approach #2 (Level 2 semi-difficult)

Megasporebiotic protocol - *NOTE: Megasporebiotic is NOT available unless you have an authorized Health Professional who has access to the product.  If you do not have an authorized health professional you are working with you can see the substitutes below that can be purchased through amazon. 

  • Megasporebiotic Capsules - Only available from your authorized practitioner or these alternative spore based probiotics: 
    • Just Thrive (100% spore based probiotic) - BUY HERE
    • CodeAge (SBO Spore based Organism probiotic) - BUY HERE
    • Dr. Mercola Complete Spore-Restore (3 strains of SBO probiotic) - BUY HERE
  • Saline Solution - BUY HERE
  • Empty Sterile Nasal Spray Bottle - BUY HERE 
  • Argentyn 23 Colloidal Silver - BUY HERE

How to make a MegaSporeBiotic (or other spore-based probiotic) nasal Spray:  Open 1-2 capsules in a nasal spray bottle. Add saline. 
Leave out on counter at room temperature for a day. This will allow the probiotic to sporinate. 


This protocol is slightly different in that you are not rotating sprays on a daily basis. For 3 days, spray ONLY the Megasporebiotic twice in each nostril, twice a day.  (These spore-based probiotics only have on-average, a 3 day lifespan so you'll need to make another new solution every 4 days to start your 4-day protocol over and over again. 

On Day 4 - spray with Argentyn 23. Colloidal Silver and repeat this process exactly how it is mentioned.  So basically your rotation is every 4 days:  3 days of BRAND NEWLY-MADE spore biotic solution followed by one full day of the Argentyn two sprays in each nostril twice that day.  

Repeat the rotation until MARCoNS is resolved.

MARCoNS Holistic Approach #3 - (LEVEL 3 more difficult but highly effective)

Iodine, Xlear, Sovereign Silver "IRRIGATION" approach.  This protocol is a little more complicated and requires a strategic approach.  This protocol includes using Iodine.  Some people react to iodine in a negative way so it's wise to make sure you are not one of those who reacts first before trying the protocol.  I would say that buying a small amount of iodine and doing a skin test.  Apply a small amount or one drop of iodine to your skin to see if there is a reaction before using it in your nasal cavity.  Many practitioners I've spoken to advise patients who are going to try the iodine method that they must consider supplementing with Selenium 200-400mcg daily.  I buy the Soloray brand HERE because it is "citric acid & yeast free" for moldies.  Selenium increases thyroid production and protects you against Hashimotos.  Obviously this made me understand that too, if you have Hashimotos this protocol is NOT for you.  


Mix the Sovereign Silver and Xlear 50/50 in a sterile/empty nasal spray bottle two sprays twice a day. 

In the Navage irrigation system mix a dash of the “Celtic Sea salt” (should taste like your tears) AND one to six drops of Lugols Iodine.  Change how many drops you put in each time so the MARCoNS do not become resistant.  Follow the directions on the Navage system and flush out your nasal and sinus cavities acording to the detailed instructions on the box. 


HOW LONG DOES MARCoNS therapy last? 

There is no set timing for this, unfortunately.  It's based on how effective your treatment is.  This is why it can be very beneficial to have your doctor guide you through this process.  They can better help you keep an eye on what's working and what's NOT working.  They can also re-order tests for you to make sure that the staph is completely gone.  I don't recommend trying this on your own without at least a minimal amount of help.  However, if you are strapped and cannot find a doctor to help you, there are ways you can order the labs on your own but be prepared to pay full price online for MSH lab testing.   So to answer your question....It took me 3 months of treatment to eradicate my MARCoNS after exposure.  NOTE:  Getting re-exposed to another mold or water damaged building can have you starting all over again from step always practice mold avoidance if all possible and also be aware of lyme disease and tick prevention as well. 


The only way to know that your MARCoNS has been eradicated is to repeat the testing method of: 

  • MARCoNS testing: HERE
  • Having your doctor re-order your MSH levels again or you can order your own MSH lab testing online through a reputable lab. 



Posted by: Jennifer Cannon AT 10:16 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, March 01 2019
List of Natural Binders for Toxic Mold Exposure

There's no doubt that our world is over-burdened with toxins in general, from car exhaust, cleaning chemicals, perfumes, heavy metals and so many toxins in our food supply but our focus here on the blog is to discuss Toxic Mold and it's effect on humans and animals. 

Detoxifying from mold can be difficult for some and in my blog I focus on "Nature's Solutions" that can help assist people in healing and "Natrual" binders can help facilitate that process along more successfully. 

What are Binders?

Binders are used to bind the toxins and get them prepared to exit from your body

Binders are defined as solid, insoluble particles that pass through the gut unabsorbed. They are meant to attract and bind toxins to facilitate their passage out of the body through the gastrointestinal tract.

The body’s most important detox organ, the liver, expels toxins into the bile, which is a digestive fluid that flows from the liver down into the small intestines. Ideally, the toxins move through the intestines and leave the body in the feces. But the lining of the gut has many veins and nerves that can pick up toxins and re-circulate them back into the body. This is where binders come in. Binders attach to toxic metals, chemicals, bio-toxins, etc, and shuttle them out of the digestive tract, preventing reabsorption.

You must use a binder to get the mold spores and the mycotoxins out that they produce. (These DO NOT come out of your body naturally as they must be moved out and neutralized).

Here are the top "binders" you can use. (Not all binders work the same for each person so you can try each one for three to six months at a time each to see which one works. You will know it worked by how you feel...the symptoms will all start going away.) I'd start with the top of the list and work down:


Zeolite (clay) from ZeoHealth
(*Most effective of all of the natural binders: My personal experience only)
Scientific Data on Zeolites:

clinoptilolite (AKA Zeolite), incorporated into the diet may be effective in fighting mycotoxins by direct absorption. Affinity toward aflatoxins, zearalenone, ochratoxin, and the T2 toxin was proven in vitro in the presence of aminoacids and vitamins, where the latter were not absorbed by the clinoptilolite material (). The specificity for aflatoxin M1 was also shown in vivo, and the dietary administration of clinoptilolite, especially of the material with the smallest particle size at the rate of 200 g per cow per a day, effectively reduced milk aflatoxin M1 concentration in dairy cattle ().


Takesumi Supreme

(Carbonized Bamboo)



(Zeolite clay caplets with added Calcium and Vitamin B12)

Royal Detox

(A unique formulation of Apple Pectin, Chlorella, Cilantro, Spirulina, and Zeolite)


Detox+Plus - from "Bulk Herb Store"

Detox+Plus is an exclusive mix of cleansing herbs, Detox + helps to gently cleanse the body of harmful mold toxins, heavy metals and chemical toxins as well as helping to purify the digestive system and colon.

Contains: Bentonite Clay Powder, Apple Fruit Pectin, Flax Seed, Psyllium Seed, Slippery Elm Bark Powder, Marshmallow Root Powder, Bilberry Fruit Powder, Peppermint Leaf Powder & Activated Charcoal Powder.

(This is another favorit of mine.  It blends several of the binders in one easy product)


Micro Chitosan

Special Precautions & Warnings:
Pregnancy and breast-feeding: There is not enough reliable information about the safety of taking chitosan by mouth if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.
Shellfish allergy: Chitosan is taken from the outer skeleton of shellfish. There is a concern that people with allergies to shellfish might also be allergic to chitosan. However, people who are allergic to shellfish are allergic to the meat, not the shell. So some experts believe that chitosan may not be a problem for people with shellfish allergy.


Bentonite Clay
(Detox Powder)


Diatomaceous earth

Activated Charcoal

(Best Brand for Purity and Strength is Organic PureVatage brand Food Grade - Coconut Derived)

Buy it HERE
(as recommended by pathologist, toxicologist and mold expert, Dr. William Croft, pHD

(Konjac Root)
Study: Effects of Glucomannan on Livers of Ram Sheep exposed to Aflatoxin Mycotoxins



(Brown Seeweed Pill)


(Safe and effective for anyone)
**Also extremely effective for those who have "Mycoplasma" which is a co-infection of Lyme Disease. 


A natural alternative to Cholestyramine



Modified Citrus Pectin
Supports Cellular Health, Supports Healthy Immune Response, Support Healthy Detoxification of molds, metals


The first action of this product's unique dual approach is an optimized blend of bentonite clay, zeolites, activated charcoal and a proprietary Quicksilver cleansing complex to cover a broad spectrum of toxins.

(Systemic Formulas)

This formula provides toxin and heavy metal binding matrices such as activated carbon and purified humates to support natural toxin elimination. Binds in a matrix that cannot be reabsorbed via the Enterohepatic circulation

G.I. Detox (Bio-Botanical Research)
Bio-Botanical Research GI Detox+, Gentle Full-Spectrum Binder with Zeolite Clay, Helps Remove Debris and Toxins, Supports Microbial Balance




Full Spectrum

Vegan binder supplement: Codeage Binder + offers a premium blend of activated charcoal, bentonite clay, humic acid, fulvic acid, organic broccoli sprouts, organic chlorella extract, wild yucca root extract, and molybdenum in an all-in-one formula.  

DO NOT take any of the binders above unless you are drinking plenty of water, keeping detox pathways and taking some type of a kidney, liver, lymph support herb. Talk to an herbalist and tell them you are detoxing and that you need to make sure these organs are open and not blocked. (When you use a binder it will bind the toxins and push them into the bloodstream and your organs which can poison you want to make sure you are using herbs that "open" the doors to let the toxins out.


Posted by: Jennifer AT 12:31 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Saturday, June 30 2018

The love relationship when toxic mold becomes an issue can be one of the most challenging and sometimes upsetting and tragic dynamics we've seen.  When you first met your significant other or first said "I do" maybe that person was healthy physically and mentally.  You never in a million years thought that something like "mold" would be a cause of strife in your relationship or to some of you who think it isn't real: In your thought process you just can't understand that your partner supposedly thinks they are really sick from something so miniscule as some "MOLD". 

I mean, this is a nightmare right?

The Fairy Tale isn't supposed to be like this!! 

I think she's nuts!

Does He really think Mold makes him sick?

I'm done with this relationship!! 

Although your thoughts and questions are legitimate, please know that what your partner is facing is a real life changing shift in their DNA, cellular structure, brain biochemistry, hormones and emotional and mental health.  They are not at fault and the research on my website proves that:  


"Science PROVES IT and Medicine is BEHIND".  

Most often the female body are the majority of cases with toxic mold but it can effect both sexes in different ways. 
  This can be attributed to the fact that the mycotoxin that toxic mold mimics and 

Increases ESTROGEN hormones in both men and women

From our experience the ratio seems to be 90/10 with women bearing the brunt of chronic illness from toxic mold exposure. 


Researchers found that higher levels or normal levels of Testosterone play a protective role against certain species of toxic mold strains and mycotoxin.  With this discovery we can assume that men with an adequate supply and/or production of Testosterone are NOT going to get sick when exposed. 

However, if males are experiencing even an unnoticeable decline in testosterone they might fall victim to symptomatic toxic mold exposure from water damaged buildings.  Note: Symptoms for men and women are NOT the same and this could spark negative thought processes between relationship partners.  If you are a "one size fits all" type of personality this could be harmful in your thinking.  

In this example we refer to ZEN mycotoxin which is "zearalanone" that is produced by Fusarium Toxic Mold varieties. The observation is that 90% of men are being protected somehow by their level of Testosterone when living in a water damaged building.  The other 10% account for the men who fall ill to toxic mold exposure.  This would also explain why elevated levels of Testosterone in men would help them heal and recover quickly just by removing themselves from the environment. 

Since my journey began back in 2010, this has been my observation that when a home is contaminated with toxic mold and couples or families leave the moldy home as well as get rid of all of their possession, most often the males seem to recover quickly and detox just from removing themselves from the point of exposure whereas women, elderly and children seem to get worse or carry on the symptoms even in a new clean home.  This obvious theory led me to research the possibility of differences in cause and effect between males and females.  Quickly into my research I did indeed find scientific studies and evidence that my theories were correct. 

Mycotoxin can lower testosterone even futher in testosterone-compromised males. 

"Estrogenic effects of ZEN mycotoxin differ from males and females. In males, major effects of this mycotoxin are immunosuppression, reduction in testosterone level, lower testes weight, reduced spermatogenesis, feminization and reduction of libido.2, 3, 5, 7 In females ZEN causes immunosuppression, reduced survival of embryos, reduced fetal weight, vulvar dilatation and redness, vulvovaginitis, retention or absence of milk, rectal prolapse.2, 3, 5, 7

Furthermore ZEN is capable of inducing cancer, genotoxic and endocrine effects." 5, 7


(2) Grenier B., Applegate T.J., (2013). Modulation of Intestinal Function Following Mycotoxin Ingestion: Meta-Analysis of Published Experiments in Animals. Toxins (5) 396-430.

(3) Krska R., Nährer K., Richard J. L., Rodrigues I., Schuhmacher R., Slate A. B., Whitaker T. B., (2012). Guide to Mycotoxins featuring Mycotoxin Risk Management in Animal Production. BIOMIN edition 2012.

(5) Marin S., Ramos A.J., Cano-Sancho G., Sanchis V., (2013). Mycotoxins: Occurrence, toxicology, and exposure assessment. Food and Chemical Toxicology (60) 218-237.

(7) Zinedine A., Soriano J.M., Molto J.C., Man J., (2007). Review on the toxicity, occurrence, metabolism, detoxification, regulations and intake of zearalenone: An estrogenic mycotoxin. Food and Chemical Toxicology (25) 1-18.

Estrogen Dominance:

What happens to the male mind and body when it is deprived of Testosterone?

In order to understand why relationships get stressed we must first go through the process like falling dominos.  We have to start with learning about Mold, what it is and how it produces a very dangerous substance called Mycotoxin.  You can READ MORE about mold and mycotoxin HERE.  After we have identified a specific mycotoxin called "zearalanone" that is found in everything from fermented drinks, food and water damaged buildings, we discover that real scientific studies and "OVERWHELMING" evidence to prove that "zearalanone" and most all other mycotoxins increase estrogen in the human body and that increase depletes and lowers male testosterone levels.  Now from there we will take on the next progression of what happens to the male body under these stressful circumstances of not having an adequate supply of testosterone. 

  • Physical Symptoms Include: Decreased Sex Drive, Difficulty with erection, Low Semen Volume, Hair Loss, Fatigue, Diabetes, Thyroid Problems, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Loss of Muscle Mass, Increased Body Fat, Decreased Bone Mass, 
  • Mental Symptoms Include: Depression, Anxiety, Irritability, Anger, Rage, Loss of daily mental drive, lower mental clarity, lack of focus, denial of change or symptoms and diagnosis.

Male Summary: 

  1. If males have adequate or an over-abundance of Testosterone they will NOT feel the catastrophic effects of toxic mold on the body, endocrine system, immune system or mental symptoms. 
  2. If males have inadequate or low-testosterone(any age), or not fully developed levels yet of testosterone (babies, young boys) they can exhibit some of the symptoms of low testosterone: Physical Symptoms Include: Decreased Sex Drive, Difficulty with erection, Low Semen Volume, Hair Loss, Fatigue, Diabetes, Thyroid Problems, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Loss of Muscle Mass, Increased Body Fat, Decreased Bone Mass, Mental Symptoms Include: Depression, Anxiety, Irritability, Rage, Agression, Combative, Anger, Denial, Frustration, Loss of daily mental drive, lower mental clarity, lack of focus. PLUS: Any and all of the other symptoms of toxic mold exposure that women experience. For this reason Males who are low in testosterone will become combative, argumenative, aggressive, fight with women who are feeling devastated with other symptoms, deny they are being exposed because they are NOT feeling the same symptoms others are, reject children, reject authority, reject scientific studies or professional advice.  They cannot think clearly and are and will be in a combative state of mind.  

    If you are a male and you are reading need to understand and reflect on the fact that your lack of physical symptoms that you think are associated with mold are actually "Male-specific toxic mold symptoms" and this might help save your relationship or your marriage.  If you understand that your symptoms are "denial" and "disbelief" this is the first step to recovering a bad relationship and recovering "together" as a couple and as a family. 


Without the protective effects of testosterone for women, children and elderly they are going to be "poisoned" more severely. 

Children seem to be vulnerable to respiratory, skin issues, new onset learning or growth disabilities, mental illnesses such as ADD/ADHD or depression/anxiety, gut issues and food allergies.  Young boys could exhibit some of the symptoms above that we mentioned in males with lower T.  

Elderly, for obvious reasons are going to be very vulnerable to toxic mold exposure because their immune systems are compromised. (R1, R2)

Women seem to be affected the most severely withh toxic mold exposures.  Because most toxic mold has an estrogenic effect on the body women go through the worst part of hell.  When we simply research common symptoms of just elevated estrogen alone the results are alarming and disturbing.  

  • Breast tenderness or breast fullness
  • Decreased libido or reduced sex drive
  • Weight gain (especially in the hips/thigh/butt region)
  • Changes to your menstrual cycle (menstrual irregularity, heavy menstrual flow or cramps/mood changes/migraines with your cycle)
  • Hair loss such as brittle hair, hair thinning or change in the color of your hair
  • Problems with fertility (usually difficulty with conception compared to high risk of miscarriage with low progesterone)
  • Changes to your mood including depression, anxiety or not feeling like yourself
  • Bloating in the stomach
  • Water retention, especially in the hands/feet and face
  • Changes to your bowel movements
  • Reduced energy or fatigue
  • Changes to your sleeping patterns, including insomnia or a reduction in the quality of your sleep
  • Reduced or damaged metabolism - gaining weight even though you haven't changed your diet
  • Other hormone imbalances such as low testosterone and thyroid disease

For Females, when you combine these elevated estrogenic symptoms with many of the other common symptoms of mold, you can only imagine what females are facing on a day-to-day basis.  

The toxic soup of Male and Female exposure

According to Psychology Today, when either partner is faced with a chronic illness it puts an extraordinary strain on the relationship.  With this additional strain on the relationship you need to take additional precautionary steps if you want to keep and maintain a healthy bond. 

In the next few points we explore some possible positive steps you and your partner can take to adapt to this toxic mold crisis that has entered your lives. 

Strive to put yourself in their shoes

  1. Read, Research and understand what your partner might be going through from a (Male/Female) perspective as outlined in this article. 
  2. Learn what the symptoms are and how to identify them in your partner 
  3. Choose to respond calmly and positively when you spot "classic" symptoms of this exposure


Strive to learn about your own gender-specific symptoms

  1. Read, Research and Understand how just because you are not feeling the same symptoms as your partner, that you could still be feeling the toxic effects of toxic mold from a different Male/Female perspective.
  2. Learn both what your gender-specific symptoms are as well as the entire list of common symtoms that both males and females could experience. 
  3. Choose to respond to your own symptoms in a calmer and positive way. 


Strive to accept that your partner MAY NOT accept their own symptoms



Posted by: Jennifer Cannon AT 09:43 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, May 03 2018
Toxic Mold and Plastics: The Controversy

I have probably been asked a million times by so many people: "I'm cleaning up after my toxic mold situation, can I keep plastic toys, plastic bins or plastic this or that".  I really do wish that for every time someone has brought up the topic I could be paid a $1.00 because I'd be a millionaire. 

Plastic was never on my possessions list on the website because it can either bite you in the bum or it can just "be alright".

I have come to realize that there are a million kinds of plastic in this world and it all depends on how the manufacturer made it. Some plastics are very porous and can literally grow black spots of mold on them while others never grow mold nor do they make anyone react after they are washed in ammonia. Because manufacturers won't reveal the ingredients in their plastic molds it's a real crap shoot. I truly think some manufacturers use natural organic materials in some of their mixes and this might explain why mold is attracted to some of them.

Breaking down the process of how plastic is made

Plastics are made from natural materials such as *cellulose, coal, natural gas, salt and crude oil through a polymerisation or polycondensation process. ... Crude oil is a complex mixture of thousands of compounds and needs to be processed before it can be used.

Cellulose is a favorite nourishment for mold growth. Cellulose is the primary cellular makeup of any wood product and can be found in: cardboard, ceiling tiles, drywall, dust, the kraft-facing on fiberglass insulation, etc.. 

The dictionary definition of cellulose is:

"A polysaccharide (C6H10O5)n,of glucose units that constitutes the chief part of the cell walls of plants, occurs naturally in such fibrous products as cotton and kapok, and is the raw material of many manufactured goods (as paper, rayon, and cellophane)"3

This is where the controversy lies.  From research, we know that Cellulose feeds mold and that most plastic processes contain Cellulose.  We also know that Cellulose contains "GLUCOSE" which is the main fuel for toxic molds.  (This is why after a mold exposure you should avoid sugars in your diet because they feed mold in your body - a little off subject but yes, it's related). 

Another thing to consider is that because crude oil contains some nasty chemicals that "off gas" it's probably a good idea NOT to have plastic items around your home.  The chemicals in plastic leach into the air and you breath the chemicals as well as soak them into your skin.  Because you've been exposed to toxic mold your liver is already at it's maximum capacity for toxin control and you are putting you and your family at a higher risk by just "having" plastics around.  If you need to keep plastic containers it's best to keep them in a storage facility or separate garage away from living areas so that you can give you and your family the best shot at recovering from toxic mold.  (Please consider this when making decisions about what to keep).  

Take away from this article is: "You do what is best for your family." If you see mold growing on your plastic items...please throw them out for the sake of your family members and pets. If you are "reacting at all" to anything that is plastic THROW IT OUT.  If you don't see mold growing on the plastic and you are not reacting then give it a good soak in a 50/50 solution of ammonia for about 30 seconds.  Remember, ammonia can break down plastics if you let it sit too long so make sure it's just a quick dunk and then it's out.  

Another substance that can neutralize mycotoxin are Essential Oils, but essential oils break down plastics so this is probably not going to be your best option.  Although I have had some success using "Tea Tree Oil".  TTO, doesn't seem to be an oil that breaks down plastic plus it kills toxic mold spore species AND is proven in scientific studies to neutralize mycotoxin.  

My favorite brand to use is from Edens Garden.  They carry 100% pure essential oils and their prices are awesome because you don't have to pay inflated pricing to pay a company representative who sells it.  Edens Garden doesn't have any sales reps.  You can get it HERE straight from the company's Amazon account directly. 

Posted by: Jennifer AT 10:05 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, January 18 2018

By: Guest Blogger: Elliot Wells,

Deciding whether to remediate mold or abandon the premises is one of the toughest decisions our clients make. Molds and the mycotoxins they create are nature’s equivalent of chemical weapons. That said, if you own your home, walking away isn’t always an option. This article covers mold testing, mold remediation basics, and the ugly truths of the remediation industry.

Most mold issues are invisible to the human eye and only show themselves with a thorough inspection coupled with proper mold testing.

So maybe you’ve been suffering from various physical symptoms such as stuffy nose, wheezing, red or itchy eyes, headaches, brain-fog, and fatigue; in doing your research you determine mold to be a likely culprit. The next step is to get accurate mold testing.

Not all tests are equal, and the over-the-counter petri-dish tests you get at Lowes are not going to cut it. That’s because mold spores are everywhere in small quantities, and swabbing a surface will of course confirm the presence of mold spores, healthy home or not.

These over-the-counter tests are great for confirming the species of visible mold growth, but Mold Badger’s favorite tests are ERMI testing with a dust cloth, air testing because it shows what you are breathing in and swabs to cover large areas that will give you an estimate of the “moldiness” of a structure. You can learn everything about mold testing here.

A good air test should answer:

  1. How many spores are in the air? How does the indoor air compare to that outside?

  2. What are the species of mold and in what quantities per unit of air?

Professional mold testing is almost always required to quantify the problem and unfortunately to prove to other parties that a problem exists and that you aren’t a hypochondriac. We hear this doubt cast all the time by landlords, friends, and family .

  • Are you sure it’s not a cold?”
  • Are you sure it’s not allergies?”
  • Could you be imagining all these mold symptoms?”

It’s sad, but true. To confront the problem you will need evidence that only proper testing provides.

Furthermore, if you are renting, professional testing is required to break the lease. Mold Badger is not an attorney.  The  Surviving Toxic Mold website has started a page for attorneys who specialize in mold cases. 

A landlord is required to provide a safe and habitable property and, although you may have to go to court to present evidence, the presence of significant mold can be cause to break a lease.

If you own the property, you still need to leave while you figure out how to deal with the problem. Stay with friends, family, or at a hotel or short-term rental if you can afford it. The important thing is to remove yourself from the toxic environment. You will see your symptoms improving almost immediately, although the road to full health is a long one.

The mold remediation industry is still fairly young and filled with professionals of varying degrees of competence. The trick is to know what makes a professional competent and to get multiple quotes to try to get a common assessment of what needs to be remediated and what it will cost .

Indicators of contractor competency:

  1. Make sure they are using PPE (Personal protective equipment) such tyvek suits, full-face respirators, and latex gloves. If they aren’t concerned enough to protect themselves properly, they are not going to protect you and your family.

  2. Proper containment: If you think you have a problem now, wait until you have a remediator remove mold-infested drywall and carry it through your house or until the air from the disturbed area carries spores through your HVAC system into the rest of your house. Any areas where remediation work is going on need to be sealed off from the rest of the house.All materials should be double-bagged and wiped down before being removed. Better yet, remove material via an exterior window if possible. In larger work areas, a negative pressure system is required. That means the air flows into the work space (where it is then vented out) and not the other way around, so you don’t have to worry about spores and mycotoxins wafting into the rest of your home.

  3. Make sure any porous surfaces in affected areas such as carpet, fabrics, and furniture are removed and properly disposed of. It can be tempting to try to clean or shampoo, but given the nature of spores and mycotoxins, these surfaces will never truly be clean. Depending on the scale of the problem, this could be only one room, but we have had clients leave everything they own to try to get away from the mycotoxins. In the end, your body and health are your most important assets.

  4. Chemicals used: The irony of using harsh, poisonous chemicals to deal with toxic molds is not lost on us, but it is the norm. Do not hesitate to ask the contractor for a full list of all chemicals used in their process. We could write a book about all of the various options, but do your research and ask if there is a way to use greener alternatives. The Mold Badger loves Borax-based solutions to treat mold spores and ozonating the environment. Ozone is essentially the oxygen we breathe with an extra oxygen atom, making it highly reactive. It is one of the few treatments that has no known long-term residue and is potent enough to deal with mycotoxins.

  5. Source of the moisture: Mold is all about the moisture. Whether it is from a roof leak, plumbing leak, improper ventilation, or one of the many ways water can enter a home, you must deal with the cause. There is nothing worse than going through a remediation, only to have the moisture return and the problem repeat itself.


Just remember, your health is more important than a house. If you suspect a mold issue, get it tested immediately and stay elsewhere if possible. Be careful that any belongings you bring with you aren’t covered in mold. Once you have the issue dealt with professionally, you can sell your house or move back in if you are comfortable with the remediation. If you are renting, consider finding a new place.


Best of luck and check out for more information on the pitfalls of mold testing and remediation.

Posted by: Guest Blogger: Elliot Wells, AT 06:40 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, November 13 2017

You've always enjoyed having a real Christmas Tree.  It brings back memories of the past, nostalgic family feelings for most, however did you realize that it also brings trillions of mold spores as well?!!!

Did you know that pine trees begin to decay and produce mold spores that release mycotoxin into the air as soon as they are cut?  It only takes a few short days for the spores to start duplicating and building up in an indoor environment, including homes, schools and offices.

Have you ever noticed that you feel sick or maybe you already know that you have been exposed to mold and when you bring out the Christmas decor or go shopping for that perfect Christmas Tree every year you start to feel a lot of mold illness symptoms coming back? 

Remember, we don't have to give up our holidays to enjoy life again...we just need to alter our shopping purchases and make sure that the items we are bringing into our homes or are storing in our basements and attics are not going to re-contaminate our homes or working environments. 


Some research shows that mold counts in indoor environments can raise mold and spore counts as high as 5 times the normal "range" in as little as a week or two after bringing it indoors. 

In a study conducted by The National High School Journal of Science "Household air samples were taken from families in the Washington Township, New Jersey area both before and during the winter holiday season.  Data shows that there is a substantial (100%) increase in the number of mold spores in the air when a family introduces a live Christmas tree into the home.  Families that use artificial Christmas trees also experienced an increase in mold, and those that did not use any type of tree during the winter holiday season did not see an appreciable increase in airborne mold.  42% of participants with underlying respiratory disorders (such as allergies) experienced an increase in their symptoms when there was a live tree, versus 13% if an artificial tree was used.  These results indicate live Christmas trees carry mold which causes a seasonal flare-up of allergy symptoms in susceptible individuals."

It is well-known that people exhibit crazy symptoms around the holidays that are very much in alignment with a toxic mold exposure.  Symptoms range from shortness of breath, headaches, fatigue, throat and eye burning, asthma flares, itching skin, fevers, rashes and new food allergies.  Because of this, we highly recommend that people NOT purchase freshly cut trees but opt for artificial trees that they can properly clean each year to minimize the possibility of an exposure.

If you are absolutely set on buying or cutting a fresh tree, the only way to minimize the effects of an exposure would be to only have the tree in the home for no more than "4 DAYS". 

Cross Contamination

The issue of cross contamination is also a very serious issue.  Most often, christmas decorations from years-past can be moldy and become a NEW exposure every single year.  The dangers of keeping ornaments and christmas crafts that are made of porous materials are that they can hold mold spores that can lay dorment inside and on the surface of these items all year round and then are brought out and disturbed into the open air during the holiday season.  Moisture from shower areas, snowy and rainy weather, steam from cooking pots, humidifiers or even water based essential oil diffusers can trigger an expansion of a mold spore and result in growth and a new colony of toxic mold. 

If you have decorations or old trees in storage, make sure to bring them outside and take inventory of our "porous" and "non-porous" decor and throw out the "porous" items and do not bring them back into the home.  Although it may be hard to part with memories from the past, such as precious ornaments made by your children or grandchildren, always keep in mind that your health and the future health of your family and pets is more important than a memory from yesteryear.  Here are some ideas to replace old contaminated moldy decorations with new "non-porous" options that are easy to clean each year and will not grow mold.

Use Glass Ornaments
Glass is "non-porous" and these type of decorations can be washed in either borax, ammonia, baking soda or anti-fungal essential oils each year before putting them on your tree.  Because of the non-porous nature of the material mold will not grow on them and mycotoxin can be easily neutralized by washing them annually in the solutions that are above mentioned.  You can buy glass ornaments HERE

Use Metal Ornaments and Decorations
Metal is a "non-porous" material that can be washed in either borax, ammonia, baking soda or anti-fungal essential oils annually before you bring them out to display them in your home.  Just keep metal away from conducting electricity is probably the only warning we can give.  You can buy metal Christmas Decor HERE

Use Artificial Christmas Trees
Artificial trees can be washed annually to help prevent and minimize toxic mold expossures.  Avoid trees with wooden trunks or bases as wood can harbor mold spores because it is considered a porous material.  You can buy artificial christmas trees HERE

How to clean an artificial christmas tree for mold and mycotoxin:  Start with filling a bathtub with water a few inches from the top, add 3-4 cups of "Clear" Ammonia.  Submerge the entire tree and stand/base for about 10-15 minutes (there's no magic timing for this).  This will neutralize any mycotoxin that may be present anywhere on the tree or stand.  Let the ammonia water down the drain and rinse both the tree, sstand and tub out thorougly.  With a second round, fill a bathtub with water a few inches from the top and this time add 2-3 cups of borax or baking soda.  This second rinse will make sure that any mold spores are destroyed and no longer an issue. 

Use Beads for Garland
Use plastic, glass, porcelain, metal or glass beads for garland instead of the furry looking garland or real tree branches that might be more prone to spores or mycotoxin.  You can buy beads HERE


Avoid Using These Types of Christmas Decor

Real Trees
Real Garlands or Wreaths
Fuzzy Garland
Popcorn string garland
Anything made with cotton
Wooden ornaments that are NOT sealed with varnish (varnish adds protection to the pores and puts a barrier between the wood/food that mold requires to grow) so in other words: raw wood decor and ornaments.
Decor made with tree trunks or branches (this is super popular, but bad for mold exposure)
Decor made with moss
Wooden baskets
Firewood (can be highly contaminated)
Leather decor
Anything made from paper
Storing christmas decorations in cardboard boxes
Keeping cristmas decorations in wet and humid areas of the home
Stuffed animals
Pillows (anything material thicker than an inch)
Cards and wrapping paper
Foam any kind

  If you don’t feel well during the holidays, your
Christmas tree & decor could be one of the causes.


Comment below and let us know if you have other ideas for non-porous Christmas decor


Posted by: Surviving Toxic Mold AT 11:02 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Thursday, June 09 2016

Houseplants can sometimes hold a sentimental place in our homes and hearts.  I know some of the plants in my home were given to me by close friends and relatives.  It can be heartbreaking to think that the "legacy of the plant" can't be saved, but I'm here to tell you that they can be saved!!!

When it comes to finding sources for mold around the home most people NEVER think to look in their potted plants as a source for mold. 

In general, caring for houseplants only takes little time and a little bit of "green thumb" effort; but there is a potential problem that can be lurking in your pots and even on the leaves of your treasured houseplants and can become a serious health threat to not only you and your children but also your pets. I'm referring to MOLD. Mold growing in your houseplants' soil, or sometimes mold growing directly on your plants' leaves, is an issue that can be harmful for both your plants and yourself.

Here are some solutions below that you can use to get rid of mold in potting soil and on the leaves of houseplants and learn how to keep it from coming back.

More than 8,000 species of fungi cause plant diseases, but chemical fungicides can be harmful to other plants, children, pets and the environment. Tea tree oil is a natural product that has been used for centuries as an antimicrobial for a wide variety of conditions. If used properly, tea tree oil can help control fungal diseases on plants without many of the dangerous side-effects of chemical fungicides.

Fungicide Effects

Most components of tea tree oil are active against a range of fungi, with terpinen-4-ol the most active agent in the oil. A study published in 2007 in "Letters in Applied Microbiology" demonstrated that tea tree oil was effective at fighting the fungi that cause Fusarium head blight in wheat, barley and oats, as well as barley leaf stripe and powdery mildew. Other studies have found tea tree oil beneficial in controlling fruit rots, anthracnose and leather rot in strawberries; early blight disease in tomato plants; alternaria solani on potato; and cercospora beticola on sugarbeets.

Uses for the Home Garden

To prevent fungal growth on plants and leaves, combine 2 tablespoons of tea tree oil with 2 cups of water in a "GLASS" spray bottle (never use a plastic spray bottle with essential oils because the oils can break down the plastic as it sits in the bottle over time) and spray plants every three to seven days.To avoid burning oil-treated leaves, spray in the morning and less frequently during hot dry spells. If plants already have blight on leaves but not stems or fruit, pull off affected leaves and spray the entire plant. Tea tree oil also repels whiteflies that excrete a sticky honeydew causing sooty mold fungi to grow on foliage. While generally safe for humans, tea tree oil can be toxic if swallowed. It can also cause allergic reactions if you're allergic to balsam, benzoin or plants in the myrtle family.

Preventing Future Infections

Remove infected plant materials and leaves around plants and dispose in the garbage to avoid spreading disease. When using tools to cut diseased wood, dip the tools into a tea tree oil solution to disinfect them. Keep weeds away from plants, as they can harbor insects and pathogens. Water plants regularly but avoid overwatering, which can encourage fungal growth. Use a variety of plants since fungi tend to be plant-specific, and purchase certified disease-free seeds and cuttings when possible.

Moisten a microfiber cloth (like these) in warm water. Mold on a living plant's leaves can usually be wiped away satisfactorily with a damp microfiber cloth (never use a paper towel because paper towels are considered food for mold). Rinse the microfiber cloth out after dampening it to prevent drips.

Wipe the moldy leaves down with the "WET" microfiber disposable towel. Supporting the underside of each leaf with your free hand, wipe the tops with the wet towel. This should remove all of the visible mold. Do not attempt this with a dry towel, as this will stir the mold spores into the air and worsen the problem.
Replace the microfiber towel as necessary. As the towel accumulates mold and dust from the plant's leaves, discard it and use a fresh one. When all the leaves are wiped down, you can allow the plant to air dry, preferably in a well-ventilated area.

Scoop away the top layer of moldy soil. If your potting soil shows mold growth, it is most likely confined to the top half-inch (1 cm) or so. Use a spoon to scoop this moldy top layer into a sealable plastic bag for disposal.

Replace the soil with fresh potting soil. After removing all of the visible mold, top the pot off with fresh potting mix. If the mold growth was particularly severe, it is best to instead replace all of the plant's soil.

Add a natural anti-fungal to the houseplant soil. Even when you remove visible mold, plenty of mold spores inevitably remain. To help prevent the immediate reappearance of mold from these spores, you can sprinkle a bit of Organic (Non-GMO) cinnamon onto the top layer of soil. Cinnamon acts as a natural deterrent to mold growth, and is harmless to the plant.

Place a layer of drainage stone in each plant pot. The primary culprit for mold growth on houseplants is soil that remains wet for too long. Each pot should have a thin layer of gravel at the bottom to allow the potting mix to drain thoroughly. This keeps your houseplant healthier and minimizes its susceptibility to mold.

Posted by: Jennifer AT 02:43 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, March 01 2016


Is Your House Making You Sick? - A Beginner's Guide to Toxic Mold
by Andrea Fabry

Are you curious about the hype over toxic mold? Have you experienced a mold exposure and are unsure of your next step? Are people telling you mold is everywhere and it's no big deal? Are you afraid your indoor environment may be negatively affecting your health?

Andrea Fabry, former journalist, certified Building Biology Practitioner, and mother of nine, has a passion to empower people to ask good questions and seek answers. In 2008, undetected water damage created a toxic mold crisis that cost her family their home and their health.

In 2008, undetected water damage created a toxic mold crisis that cost her family their home and their health. Andrea has seen the impact toxic mold can have on children and adults alike. She understands the confusion, myths, and lack of information surrounding toxic mold.

In this eye-opening resource, you'll hear more about Andrea's story and benefit from her years of research as she shares principles for identifying and remediating toxic mold, effective mold testing methods, the symptoms of mold exposure, health recovery strategies, and much more.

Is Your House Making You Sick? A Beginner's Guide to Toxic Mold offers hope and help for homeowners, tenants, landlords, and anyone concerned about indoor air quality and its effect on human health.

Posted by: Jennifer Cannon AT 10:30 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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Is mold making you sick?  Put the effects of Toxic Mold behind you!!

Do you think you might have mold in your home, place of business or school? Are you or someone you love suffering from an unknown illness that doctors can't diagnose?  Is mold making you sick? Go to our Step by Step and start Surviving Toxic Mold.