Real People.........Real Stories Toxic Mold can affect anyone anywhere around the world. The misconception is that mold is only a problem in low income or dirty housing. This couldn't be farther from the truth. Toxic Mold can grow in buildings, schools, churches and even new construction homes. The following people have chosen to share their stories so that they can help others realize the importance of preventing mold formation, growth and mold illness. Below are some real life stories of victims of toxic mold exposure: Wednesday, November 07 2012
By Miss Divinely Toxic
At this point I had to wait that entire month to get out. There was no way around it. Commonly during this time in the office alone, I was researching online and speaking with many mold groups along side completing my daily necessary requirements in running his office. Thankfully through Facebook's groups, I had found people to hear my story and to remind me I was not crazy. My family and friends were still on the fence, and now with my developing motor function issues, I was terrified I wouldn't survive this ordeal at all. Something inside of me told me to keep moving forward. No matter what happened I had to survive. "Never give upon yourself even if others do." I would say this to myself every night, "I am the one who lets myself fall asleep and the very reason I wake up." This saved me from much grief and inner strife. It was often all I could say that made me feel better. Finally moving day came, and I helped as best as I could. Moving all the same furniture which was still contaminated by billions of mycotoxins still was making me sick. Sadly I did my job and they did nothing for me except save themselves from going into such an ill place. This furniture would and will make anyone sick and I knew that. They refused to learn this. I knew I had only one more decision left. This all had to stop. I needed to go home and fix myself. I need to go on disability. So I politely told my boss I must quit in order to survive. I was so sick that I might have died in my sleep if I didn't remember consciously to breath. This was when I had my first tests done with the toxicologist, and went out for disability within one week. I suffered at home for quite some time until I got the hang of what I needed to do. I studied with my educated herbalist friend and then went out and kept teaching my own Naturopathic doctor along side my own research and what my toxicologist taught me. He was so wonderful and worked with what ever I needed. So was the caring and doting ways of my toxicologist. He was one of my most favorite people to talk to. He made me feel like I was going to survive. We all taught each other in honesty. Through the toxicologist, my herbalist friend, and my Naturopathic doctor and I, we made a plan to avoid dying as my only prognosis. The toxicologist provided me with two tests, herbalist friend and I found the right combination of herbs and the right amount to save my immune system, the naturopathic doctor helped my diet and gave me unusual things for pain that were natural like scorpion venom. With my army of medical documents on Mycotoxicosis quickly growing in my "Mold Folder" for court, I started going in to that disability office with a purpose greater than myself. I was fighting for everyone who needed the same help I needed. It was me against the world as far as I was concerned and this girl wasn't going to lose. Month after month I fought for my right to detox with a constant barrage of documents and paperwork they couldn't even process. I started to make them see the dangers, and something changed after a year. Fast forward a few more months and now I have won my disability case and put the term "Mycotoxicosis" on the NY board of disabilities. I was the first person to win such a case with a disease very little understood in the New York State and the world for the matter. The board asked for tons of medical documents and I happily gave them every month a stack of papers thick as war and peace. They were commonly overwhelmed. My family and friends still thought I was crazy. My mother even tired to commit me for speaking about getting to open air to detox by secretly planning a family intervention at my own home. Knocking on my door and pushing her way in, to only call the cops on me after I went hysterical over their accusations. May her actions be out of love, it's what moldies tend to see all the time. Someone being scared and not seeing the truth as it involves themselves. After the cops came in, I sent them away asking one thing, "Please wait until these people have left. I want to feel safe again in my own home." The cops obliged and saw them out nodding at me when they left. Forgiving, is different from forgetting, but miscommunication and ignorance are the reasons for pain and distrust. Once you understand each other, then the healing can happen. This applies to everything, I have learned. Mold sickness teaches more than saving your own body from harm. It teaches you consciousness in your own very existence. It was tough detoxing. Did it for two + years. Eating organic chicken and string beans every dinner. Eggs for breakfast with a cup of hot apple cider in replacement for coffee. Slow and steady was my route even leaving room to cheat every now and then. Yet what I saw in that slide from my toxicologist - I understood very well. I was being invaded by other life forms, and losing control of my body. It was not just the proof I needed to change my habits, but it was also the proof the courts needed, my family and friends and well, anyone else suffering reading this. Very slowly I weaned off all sugars, carbs and toxins, then full detox for quite a long time. My naturopathic doctor worked with my herbalist friend together and slowly I saw the difference in my health. Also certain supplements every day to slowly rebuild my immune system and my digestive track. I started to keep a journal. We created a detox treatment with very strong herbs. The mycotoxins and bad bacteria and yeast started to lose the fight for my body. I turned the war around in my favor. If I started rushing detox, I would get violently ill. Throwing up, falling down, insane mood swings, horrible body pain, brain fog, and narcolepsy. Metallic vision, migraines, terrible periods, nightmares, cold sweats, seizures. The list goes on forever. I fought off death every second and refused to give up. When my toxicologist told me that I had gone through this before at a young age, it almost destroyed me. I remember when my childhood home at the age of seven had a main water pipe break. It made all of us sick, but me the most. I was violently ill and the doctors only gave me anti-biotics. Fevers spiked into the 105 rage were I almost died. It was what made this time around so much more dangerous in 2008. In my life time, I cannot get sick by mold again or I may not survive a week of the same sickness. I not only have to make sure this doesn't happen, but learn to live in harmony with all mold as it too is a life form of earth. This is what I do now, and make sure my diet and pH are always up to par. I consider it similar to a theft alarm system for your home. Above picture is my biopsy blown up in size on poster. 18 Months Exposure time. The Black circles with Arrows and a "Y" are Black dyed Yeast cells. The Larger Arrows at the upper middle show the mycotoxins and how they have invaded my capillaries. This is proof that Mycotoxins invade and stay in the body. The cell spacing should be between one to three cells thick which is apparent in other areas to the right of the picture. The center spread with the two large arrows, is five to seven cells thick from the mycotoxins. Also it is evident the mycotoxins have invaded this area by how large of an area is shown in comparison to the surrounding areas. You can blatantly see that yeast have started to prosper and grow inside this area. Along the bottom of the slide you can see where this has happened with the small arrows with the "Y" and how they are much larger. Yeast cells are dyed in black to be shown. This is not only in the 3 mm biopsy here, but my entire body. Three very nice people who at the time didn't know me from a hole in the wall, in a few mold groups on Facebook felt terrible for me. They were so kind and educated me on many things. To this day I still talk to them and we share our thoughts on the subject often. At my worst, I couldn't breathe on my own and had to manually remind myself to do so. Every action took incredible energy to accomplish even getting up and going to the bathroom. Sleeping was a nightmare as I worried I wouldn't wake up to see sunrise. Not being able to sleep with my skin burning and aching from atrophy. I was so toxic that quite frankly baffled modern science that I lived. I couldn't regulate my own heart beat and had to remember to keep calm at every turn or I would suffer an aneurysm or a heart attack. All my major organs were on a moments notice of ceasing function. Toxins and bad bacteria were taking over my motor functions and candida was eating my body alive from the inside out. My body fluids were at an acidity of 4 on the scale, and major minerals and vitamins were no longer able to be broken down by my body. Tears and urine burned my skin. My own mouth was on fire. I had literal become a prisoner trapped inside a dying body. Not some character with make up you watch on television, the real thing. Thankfully once I won my court case for disability and had my two test results from the toxicologist my friends and family finally understood what was going on. With patience and education I taught them how to see the warning signs and how to remedy it. I started to teach them as I taught myself how to heal. Slowly over another two years I thankfully am still here today fully recovered with a few hang ups. From being 46 parts per billion toxic at my worst to the happy healthy lady I am today. I do not look sick, nor do I feel sick. I also never get colds anymore with my army of herbal tinctures and teas. Most of my health comes from all the fresh food I grow in my garden every year. I know that helped. I also grow herbs for treatments and adore using them fresh. Over the course of four years, I learned what is really going on in our medical world, the FDA and the drug companies with big business. This is where I realized I had become on of the "Divinely Toxic" because I had learned the truth only after becoming completely toxic myself. |