A Mold Recovery Blog Saturday, December 27 2014
In a previous post I had made a few months back, " I talked about the connection between a mycotoxin called patulin and the symptoms of low potassium. If you are not sure what potassium is or does in the body, potassium is an essential nutrient used to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance in the body. When you have a deficiency in potassium it causes:
Unless you are on dialysis, or have a special condition involving potassium, overdose of potassium from natural sources is nearly impossible; however, it is possible to consume too much potassium via potassium salts which can lead to nausea, vomiting, and even cardiac arrest. Potassium from natural food sources is the best possible way to deliver potassium to the body. Being exposed to mold and mycotoxins can interupt the body's natural mineral absorption. Many people exposed to mold are NOT aware of this. This is why it essential to supplement vitamins and minerals while detoxing from mold exposure.
Diet: Another problem with detoxing from mold is that most of the foods that are higher in potassium content are not supposed to be consumed while on a mold detox diet. This means foods like beans, potatoes and bananas are off your list for a while until you can get rid of the mold problem in your body. This can be a huge problem if you are not prepared ahead of time for the symptoms. This is also VERY DANGEROUS if you do not do it correctly. Remember, a potassium deficiency is a "Life-Threatening" thing. If you suspect a potassium deficiency please see your local ER or get a doctors appt the next morning to have your doctor check your potassium levels. They can give you a "Temporary" potassium chloride injection or pill that can get you out of "trouble" temporarily until you can increase your potassium in your diet.
Here are some "Mold Diet Approved" food sources for keeping your levels of potassium at a healthy level:
Do you think you might have mold in your home, place of business or school? Are you or someone you love suffering from an unknown illness that doctors can't diagnose? Is mold making you sick? Go to our Step by Step and start Surviving Toxic Mold. |