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A Mold Recovery Blog
Wednesday, November 12 2014

Hidden grains (that contain mycotoxins and fuel mold/yeast growth in the body) in your eggs that can slow down detox

Eggs are loaded with high-quality proteins, vitamins, minerals, good fats and various trace nutrients.

A large egg contains:

  • Only 77 calories, with 5 grams of fat and 6 grams of protein with all 9 essential amino acids.
  • Rich in iron, phosphorous, selenium and vitamins A, B12, B2 and B5 (among others).
  • One egg contains 113 mg of Choline – a very important nutrient for the brain, among other things.

It is a wise choice to include eggs in your mold detox diet, however

Eating store-bought eggs could be "feeding your mold problem" and here's how:


What do "HEALTHY" chickens naturally eat?

Chickens, if left on their own naturally feed primarily on insects.  Science has proven through "laboratory dissection and testing" that half or more of their diet are insects and other invertebrates (especially termites.)  The other half or less is made up of various plant matter like fruits, berries, bamboo seeds, nuts, and young leaves.

So what is this telling us?  Basically it's telling us that if chickens are eating corn, wheat and soy their diets are being manipulated by man.  Why would we manipulate the diets of chickens?

It's pretty simple.  A chicken that is naturally healthy and left to feed on it's own will weigh a lot less than a chicken that is fed fatty, carbohydrate corn, wheat or soy.  Farmers, meat and egg producers know this so in order for them to make as much money as possible (because chicken meat is sold by the pound), they want their chickens fattened up for maximum profits.  DID YOU HEAR THAT?   This is all about making money.....NOT raising healthy chickens...and NOT looking out for the health of humans who will be eating it.

Store bought eggs contain grains and grains have carbohydrates and mycotoxins

The main purpose of the mold detox diet is to eliminate sources of fuel for mold, yeast and mycotoxins in the body.  As we already know, removing sugars, grains and yeasts is our number one priority while maintaining a balanced nutritional diet.

To do this we MUST recognize and be aware of where the hidden sugars, grains and carbohydrates are so that we can speed up the "Mold dying" process within our bodies.

Ok so I hear this all time.  "I eat healthy eggs".  Or do you?  Most people, (I'd say 95%) do not understand what the heck it is they are eating when they eat their eggs.  I've put together this little blog post to explain the truth and pitfalls about what is in your eggs

Myth: Cheap eggs are fine..eggs are eggs.

NO way!!
First let's start with the worst kind you can buy: Conventional/Store-bought/No healthy labeling

All I can say here is stay as far away from these as you possibly can. 

The birds that lay these eggs are sickly, abused, starving, don't eat what they should naturally eat to produce a healthy egg for you and I and especially for someone who has a health concern like those suffering from mold exposure.

What kind of eggs should I buy that DON'T have grains or mycotoxins in them?

You should ONLY eat pastured eggs on the mold detox diet.   They are 3 times as nutritious and WILL NOT contain sugary grains that contain mold and mycotoxins like eggs from factory-raised chickens.

You are probably wondering where to get them or what they look like? 

What are pastured eggs?
Grass-fed/pastured hens are raised on pasture, as opposed to being kept in confinement and fed primarily grains. Eggs from pastured hens contain up to 20 times more healthy omega-3 fatty acids than confined/grain fed hens.

Pastured hens' diets are naturally fed with bugs, earthworms, and other bugs that give their eggs it's pureness and nutritional value. Pastured hens are much healthier and happier than their space-restricted and antibiotic-pumped counterparts.

Pasturing is the traditional method of raising egg-laying hens and other poultry. It is ecologically sustainable, humane, and produces the tastiest, most nutritious eggs.

Pastured eggs also have 10 percent less fat, 40 percent more vitamin A, and 34 percent less cholesterol than eggs obtained from factory farms. Most importantly for those exposed to mold and mycotoxins, pastured eggs contain NO traces of grains or beans which naturally feed mold, yeast and other fungi in the body.  This makes it a PERFECT CHOICE for the mold detox diet.

Dave Asprey explains why you should be eating "Pastured" eggs

Where can I get pastured eggs?

Our favorite site to locate pastured eggs is they have a directory for US and Canada of all suppliers providing pastured meat and eggs. 

Wily Blackmore, TakePart's Food editor over at has created this nice little infographic that breaks down egg labeling even further.  This is a nice little chart that can be saved on your phone for the next time you go shopping for eggs.


Links to Studies on the presence of mycotoxin in eggs fed a conventional diet of grains and other fillers. 


Posted by: Jennifer AT 09:34 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

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