A Mold Recovery Blog Friday, October 09 2015
According to researchers and toxicologists Trichothecenes are some of the worst mycotoxins in the world. They are 3-4 times more potent and deadly than other mycotoxins such as Ochratoxin, Aflatoxin and Citrinin. Scientists in the agricultural industry are always looking for ways to neutralize/denature the mycotoxin in food that is fed to livestock and therefore reduce the likelihood of mycotoxin contamination in animals that we eat. We can learn a lot from their studies and apply them to humans and mold exposures from indoor damp environments. After doing some general research we ran into a great study done in 2011 showing that ECGC found in Green Tea actually reduced the toxicity of Trichothecene mycotoxins. Mycotoxin Res. 2011 Nov;27(4):281-5. doi: 10.1007/s12550-011-0105-8. Epub 2011 Jun 29.
Epigallocatechin gallate suppresses the cytotoxicity induced by trichothecene mycotoxins in mouse cultural macrophages. FULL LINK ON PUBMED HERE Sugiyama K1, Kinoshita M, Kamata Y, Minai Y, Sugita-Konishi Y.Author information
Abstract Trichothecene mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites produced by a number of fungi including Fusarium species, which adversely affect lymphocytes. Deoxynivalenol (DON) and HT-2 toxin (HT-2) belong to the trichothecene group of mycotoxins and the occurrence of cereals and foodstuffs with these compounds are serious health problems. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of (-)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), one of the main components in green tea catechins, on DON- or HT-2-induced cytotoxicity in mouse macrophages. EGCG had protective effects against the trichothecene-induced cytotoxicities of both mycotoxins. Additionally, EGCG suppressed the DON-induced activation of caspase-3/7, which is an indicator of apoptosis. These results indicate that EGCG might be useful in protection against DON- or HT-2-induced cell death, suggesting that EGCG could contribute to reducing the toxicities of trichothecenes.
Green Tea Tips: Cheap Green Tea is not quality tea
Never use tea that is packaged in tea bags
"Anyone aware of the dangers of plastic chemicals leaching out of plastic containers and bottles is likely to be concerned about drinking tea steeped through heated plastic. The other bad news is that paper tea bags may be just as bad, or worse, than the plastic ones because many of them are treated with epichlorohydrin, a compound mainly used in the production of epoxy resins." Knowing these chemicals are more than likely in tea bags makes us realize that if we are using Green Tea to to detox and denature trichothecene mycotoxins that we need to make sure that everything involved in the tea-making process needs to be as non toxic as possible. So what kind of Green Tea do I need to use? If we take all the research we've compiled and put it together it gives us the safest possible choice of the type of green tea we are looking for. Essentially you want a Green Tea that is: Organic, Grown in the Region where it originates, loose leaf (not in a tea bag). Here are a few sources we've purchased in the past for quality green tea:
Davidson's Organic Green Tea The Water you use can either enhance Medicinal qualities or completely taint the process
Do you think you might have mold in your home, place of business or school? Are you or someone you love suffering from an unknown illness that doctors can't diagnose? Is mold making you sick? Go to our Step by Step and start Surviving Toxic Mold. |