Chicken Zucchini-Vegetable Soup
You'll need: A stainless steel stockpot OR slow cooker.
Organic Olive Oil
1 Tablespoon of minced Organic Garlic
Himalayan Pink Salt (2 gallon stock pot I use 2 tablespoons salt)
1 Organic Chicken Breast
1 (2 inch leaf) of Organic (Home Grown) Basil
1 (leaf) of Organic (Home Grown) Oregano
1 leaf stalk of Organic (Home Grown) Parsley
1 Yellow Zucchini (Organic)
1 Green Zucchini (Organic)
1 CUP each of the following cut up vegetables:
(All organic) Red Pepper, Celery, Broccoli
Fill up stock pot or slow cooker 3/4 full. For every quart of water add one tablespoon of organic olive oil. So for 2 gallons I use 4 tablespoons of oil. Add minced garlic. Add Himalayan Pink salt for taste. DO NOT over salt.
Add Chicken to stock pot and cook on low/med heat for one hour until chicken pulls apart. This will make a nice chicken stock.
Blend mince the Home Grown Basil and Oregano and add to pot. Add remaining cut up vegetables (EXCEPT the ZUCCHINI) and cook on low to medium heat for 30 minutes. Add zucchini and cook for an additional 15 min. Remove from heat immediately.
Add, Serve or freeze in individual ziploc bags for easy fast soups.
Meal Planner that I use
Plant To Eat honestly is the most awesome tool I have ever used on the internet that let's me customize my meal plan according to my diet restrictions and plan breakfasts, lunches and dinners (even snacks) that correlate with my Mold Detox Diet. Sometimes a one-size fits all approach does not work when going on a detox diet. Some might have food sensitivities that others may not have and so on.
With this tool I am able to 100% costomize my meals and schedule them perfectly so that I don't cheat and my mold-free goals become more of a reality instead of relying on my will power or lack of meal planning to get me through this detox period. GO HERE or click on the banner above and you can usually get a 30-day free trial then it's only $4.95 a month I said, nothing has ever made this whole mold detox diet more simple than Plan To Eat has for me.