Sources & Citing "Is the information on this website from a reputable source?" The answer is YES!! One thing that separates this website from other mold websites and blogs is that I try very hard to research topics that are presented with scientific and biologic research. This would include journals, studies, reports and findings from labs, paid studies, research projects using toxicology, chemistry, biology, physics and yes, even some common sense is involved. Many people discredit the effects of toxic mold because there is a lack of medical evidence. The reason for the lack of medical evidence is we truly believe there is a "Profit over Evidence" situation that is tragic in this country. If there is no profit to be made off of patented drugs, it is NOT going to become part of any "medical" knowledge. PERIOD. However, the scientific evidence is "overwhelming" and for that you should NOT turn a blind eye. Here is a list of the top scientific sources on the topic of toxic mold.
US National Library of Medicine - TOXNET Toxicology Data Network -
Hindawi (Toxicology Journal) -